
moan vi.,vt.呻吟,哼;〔古、詩〕悲嘆,哭。n.呻吟聲;...


It hurt so much that cao moaned and groaned day and night 傷口疼痛異常,曹生源日夜哀號。

What kind of ambassador would that be ? [ moans ] 該是個什么樣的使者?

Stop moaning ; you really have nothing to complain about 別悲嘆了,你真的沒什么好抱怨的。

She is always moaning about her bad memory 她總是抱怨自己的記性不好。

More tension in the snap board . - ( bunst moans ) 彈簧板需要再加一點力量

Moaning - did you eat all four boxes oflasagna 你把那四盒雜燴面都吃了

The earth seemed to moan at the terrible blow 大地因為遭受到可怖的打擊而發出一聲嘆息。

Yes , when you hear me moaning and groaning , baby 是的,當你聽見我呻吟和嘆息的時候,寶貝

The stifi - man digs what ' s underneath . [ chuckles , moans ] 斯蒂夫超人挖的是下面的寶貝。

The dog is moaning and squirming and groaning . . 那條狗在哀叫著挪動著身體,呻吟著… …

Just as they ' re about to do it , he moans 在他們就要做的時候,他痛苦地說

She moaned to him , while her own tears fell 她一邊流淚,一邊悲哀地對他說。

A : i guess she had a big moan about your boss again 我猜想她又大大抱怨你們老板了。

Wheezing and moaning ) - all right . stay with her for a minute 好吧,幫我照護她一下

Moans it can ' t end like this . - saveyourstrength -不能就這樣結束了-節省你的精力

Moaning softly - we chase the beemer . the garbage truck 我們去追寶馬,垃圾車去收錢

Wheezing and moaning - all right . stay with her for a minute 好吧,幫我照護她一下

The stifi - man digs what ' s underneath . chuckles , moans 斯蒂夫超人挖的是下面的寶貝。

Was he like that unceasing moan of the adjutant 是否像那個不停呻吟的副官的樣子?