
moabite n.(fem. -itess )1.(死海東部和南部古國...


“ spend the night here , “ balaam said to them , “ and i will bring you back the answer the lord gives me . “ so the moabite princes stayed with him 8巴蘭說,你們今夜在這里住宿,我必照耶和華所曉諭我的回報你們。摩押的使臣就在巴蘭那里住下了。

When balak heard that balaam was coming , he went out to meet him at the moabite town on the arnon border , at the edge of his territory 36巴勒聽見巴蘭來了,就往摩押京城去迎接他。這城是在邊界上,在亞嫩河旁。

Those who made designs against him were zabad , the son of shimeath , an ammonite woman , and jehozabad , the son of shimrith , a moabite woman 背叛他的是亞捫婦人示米押的兒子撒拔和摩押婦人示米利的兒子約薩拔。

Those who conspired against him were zabad , son of shimeath an ammonite woman , and jehozabad , son of shimrith a moabite woman 26背叛他的是亞捫婦人示米押的兒子撒拔、和摩押婦人示米利的兒子約薩拔。

The servant in charge of the reapers replied , “ she is the young moabite woman who returned with naomi from the land of moab 得2 : 6監管收割的仆人回答說、是那摩押女子、跟隨拿俄米從摩押地回來的。

He struck the two sons of ariel the moabite ; he also went down and struck a lion in the midst of a pit on a snowy day 他殺了摩押人亞利伊勒的兩個兒子;又在下雪的日子下坑里去,殺了一只獅子。