
moa n.【鳥類】恐鳥〔現已滅絕〕。


Agro - environment monitor center ( aemc ) was officially established in 1979 and is affiliated to the agro - environment protection institute ( aepi ) of the ministry of agriculture ( moa ) 農業部農業環境監測總站隸屬于農業部環境保護科研監測所,建立于1979年。

Furthermore , the program is one of surveillance and not an investigation of diseased poultry , the latter being a responsibility of the ministry of agriculture ( moa ) 并且,本中心進行的工作是監察,而非研究禽鳥身上的病患,后者屬農業部的專責范疇。

In accordance with the problems found in the analysis , the thesis makes suggestions on the improvement of the financial management work for the moa institutional units 針對分析中發現的問題,論文也對如何做好農業部事業單位財務管理工作提出了建議

Center of energy and environment protection technology development ( ceeptd ) is affiliated to the chinese academy of agricultural engineering ( caae ) of the ministry of agriculture ( moa ) 農村能源與環境技術開發中心,隸屬于農業部工程研究設計院。

Investigating the relationship between the resistive component of the fundamental frequency current and that of the 3rd harmonic current by experimentation with real movs 通過試驗研究了moa泄漏電流中基波阻性電流和三次諧波阻性電流之間的關系。

Reform and development of the agricultural administration system in china . lu wen , senior research fellow research center for rural economy , moa , p . r . china 品質量安全管理工作取得了實質性進展“加強農產品質量安全管理是新時期農業農村經濟發展的

After years of acrimony , carb and the ama reached , in 1996 , a memorandum of agreement ( “ moa “ ) which seemed to be an amicable solution 1996年,經過多年的輿論攻擊, carb和ama達成一份協議備忘錄(簡稱“ moa “ ) ,似乎是一個圓滿的解決方案。

This instrument can on - line monitor all kinds of parameters of moa in serve . it can also eliminate the interference among different phases 該裝置可以對運行中moa的各項參數進行全面的在線監測,并且排除了相間干擾對測量的影響

Reform of the agricultural administration system at the new stage . liang tiangeng , director - general , department of personnel and labor , moa , p . r . china “農業管理體制改革的實踐模式“改革農業管理體制的思路“等主題。

Chinese moa animal medicine and instrument of husbandry and veterinary bureau in charge of licensure of animal medicine product 美國、歐盟、中國對獸用生物制品、獸用藥品產品注冊申報材料的具體要求也有所不同。

A virtual instrument based on the new idea was established and was proved to have some significance in improving moa on - line technology in the future 試驗結果表明新想法對moa在線監測技術的發展有一定意義

Training and technical support will be given to the moa and provincial animal husbandry bureau s in extension program design and delivery 在推廣計劃設計和交付方面將給農業部和省畜牧局提供培訓和技術支持。

In this thesis , a portable instrument for on - line monitoring leakage current of moa was developed . the contents are listed below : 1 本文進行了便攜式moa泄漏電流在線監測裝置的研究,主要內容如下: 1

Moa announced on may 21 , 2005 , through a press release , its finding that the outbreak at qinghai lake was related to h5n1 今年五月二十一日農業部公布青海湖的禽鳥死亡事件與禽流感有關。

Experts from moa research center for rural economy conducted a study tour of animal husbandry trade associations in zizhong 農業部農村經濟研究中心專家到資中就農產品行業協會進行調研

The blueprint copy time of the moa cruiser blueprint has been reduced to be inline with other cruiser copy times 巨鳥巡洋艦藍圖副本使用次數減少到和其它巡洋艦藍圖副本使用次數一致。

The blueprint copy time of the moa cruiser blueprint has been reduced to be inline with other cruiser copy times 巨鳥藍圖的拷貝時間被縮短以匹配其他巡洋艦藍圖的拷貝時間。

The moa is composed of the non - linear resistors , silicone rubber housing and metal fittings as shown in fig . 1 避雷器由非線性電阻片,硅橡膠外套及兩端金具組成,如圖1所示。

Mr . xu yong , chinese project manager of fecc , moa ; debra rasmussen , project director and economist of 外經中心養殖處徐慶民處長,中國項目經理外經中心許勇加拿大項目主任