
mnemonic adj.記憶的;記憶術的;增進記憶的。 a mnemon...


With 21 fifth - graders at risk for learning disabilities at elementary school as the experimental group subjects and 39 first - grade normal students from a junior high school as the control group subjects , and with 64 obscure english words as memory test materials , the current experiment examined the effect of the mnemonic key - letters method on chinese children at risk in english vocabulary learning 以39名普通初一學生為控制組,以21名學習不良的小學五年級學生為實驗組,以64個罕見的英文單詞作為記憶測驗材料,考察了關鍵字母法對于中國兒童英語詞匯記憶的作用。

Bottom - up processing and feature detecting theory based on strong electrophysiological evidences has played a dominant role in the visual research for long time . people know top - down processing just by common sense . knowledge or experience are recalled from memory by reactivation of their neural representations and affected visual processes . however recently , researches from human and monkey provide experimental evidences for top - down processing . first , mnemonic representation of visual objects and faces , located in the ventral processing stream of visual perception in monkey , provide the best evidences of how neuronal codes are created by neurons that have the special ability to link the representations of temporally associated stimuli ; second , experiments suggest that not only bottom - up signals from the retina but also top - down signals from the prefrontal cortex can trigger the retrieval of associative codes , which may serve as a neural basis both for the conscious recall and for the visual processes affected by top - down processing further studies will improve people s understanding of the causal relation of activation and behavior by use of combined fmri and electrophysiology or lesion studies 聯想性編碼是通過學習由一些具有特殊功能的神經元建立的,這些神經元具有將時間性關聯刺激的表征聯系起來的能力。其次,不僅來自視網膜的底-頂信號,而且來自前額葉的頂底信號都能觸發聯想性編碼的提取,既可以作為有意識回憶的神經基礎,又是頂-底加工影響視覺過程的基礎。腦損傷病人研究具有高時間分辨率的人類功能性核磁共振成像functional magnetic resonance imaging , fmri和猴fmri研究以及猴細胞電生理分析相結合,將進一步加強人們對視覺腦機制的全面理解。

Turns off processing of prefix characters . typically , the ampersand mnemonic - prefix character is interpreted as a directive to underscore the character that follows , and the double - ampersand mnemonic - prefix characters as a directive to print a single ampersand 通常, “ and ”符( & )助記鍵前綴字符被解釋為為緊跟的字符添加下劃線的指令,雙“ and ”符( & & )助記鍵前綴字符被視為打印單個“ and ”符( & )的指令。

The results show quite clearly that no matter how helpful language may be to mathematicians ? perhaps as a mnemonic device ? it is not necessary to calculation , and it is processed in different parts of the brain 這結果清楚指出,無論語言對于數學有多大的幫助(也許做為記憶的工具) ,對計算來說卻不是必須,而且兩者是在腦中的不同部位進行。

While most memory - training programmes are based on relatively boring mnemonic techniques , the present study sheds light on the employment of an alternative way of thinking about improving one s memory 這項研究指出學習音樂對語言記憶有著正面而長遠影響,而學習音樂本身對小孩子來說是一項有趣的活動。

The key - letters method is the integrative product of the keyword method , a well - known mnemonic strategy in the western world , with the characteristics of the chinese characters 摘要關鍵字母法是將西方世界著名的關鍵詞方法的原理同漢字特點相結合的?物。

You then replace < < name > > with something more mnemonic like guid _ devinterface _ simple and include the definition in your driver and applications 然后你用一些更(便于)記憶的類似guid _ devinterface _ simple以及包括在你的驅動和應用中的定義來替換< > 。

The assembler language is a kind of symbolic language . it adopted some mnemonic symbols which can show the instructional functions to present the content of the program 匯編語言是一種符號語言,它采用一些能反映指令功能的助記符表達程序的內容。

Each machine - language instruction is represented by one assembly - language mnemonic , usually followed by one or more variables , registers , or constants 每一條機器語言指令由一個匯編語言助記符代表,通常其后還跟有一個或多個變量、寄存器或常量。

From o to m . hottest stars are spectral type o , and coolest stars are type m . the standard mnemonic to remember the sequence of spectral types is oh , be a fine girl , kiss me 由最熱的o型恒星開始,接著是b型a型f型g型k型,最后是最冷的m型。

This property will not return a mnemonic if two ampersand characters are placed together as the ampersands are used to display an ampersand in the text of the 的文本中顯示一個“ & ”符而不是定義助記符時將它們放在一起,則此屬性將不返回助記鍵。

Of course , with the shift and bitwise operators distributed around the table it is not a perfect mnemonic , but for non - bit operations it works 當然,對于移位和按位運算符,上表并不是完美的助記方法;但對于其他運算來說,它確實很管用。

An access key , also known as a mnemonic , is an underlined character in the text of a menu , menu item , label of a button , or some other control 訪問鍵(也稱助記鍵)是菜單、菜單項、按鈕標簽或其他某控件的文本中帶下劃線的字符。

In section five , we focus on the flow of the algorithm , the realization with c language and mnemonic instruction , and the optimizing of them 729算法的流程、 c程序實現、匯編實現及其優化,并對實現的結果作了分析和說明。

The letter that follows will not be underlined , but other mnemonic - prefix characters are still processed . for example , an input string of “ a bc d “ with 后面緊跟的字母將不被標記下劃線,但仍然處理其他助記鍵前綴字符。

Perform custom mnemonic handling ; for example , you want to handle mnemonics on owner - drawn buttons contained in a toolbar 執行自定義的助記鍵處理;例如,您希望處理所有者描述的、包含在工具欄中的按鈕上的助記鍵。

Rule 2 every module owns a mnemonic which is built from the name ( ex : svaud ) . this mnemonic is used as prefix for all the interface methods 每個模塊擁有一個由名字組成的助記符。這個助記符作為接口方法的前綴。

Neither the mnemonic devices so much valued by some psychologists nor the semantically based strategies favored by some linguists ( e . g 語言學家推崇的許多記憶手段和學習策略均沒有受學生的歡迎。

Assembler : a progamming language in which one mnemonic source statement is coded for each machine ? level instruction 匯編語言:一種編程語言,每一條助記符源語句都對應一條機器指令。