
mlg MLG = Middle Low German 中世紀低...


Mlg series ultrasoning system is designed by our compeny , combining with the advantages of foreign and domestic trades . the instrument id mainlu used is single monocrystal silicon sheet , electric parts , lens , hardware and precision mechanical parts Mlg系列超聲波清洗系統,是本公司結合國外清洗機的特點精心設計,主要運用于單晶硅片、太陽能硅片、電子零件、光學鏡片等行業。

Based on our field study on the mlg policy in shaxian county , fujian province , this paper examines the policy designing , implementation , and the existing problems for mlg in rural areas 摘要本文通過對福建沙縣農村最低生活保障政策的實地調查,詳細而全面分析了該政策的制定及實施過程和存在的問題。