
mld MLD = median lethal dose 【醫學...


Today ' s miami herald has an [ url = http : / / www . miami . com / mld / miamiherald / living / 12082273 . htm ] article about hbp event planning [ / url ] , and some tips from [ url = http : / / www . miami . com / mld / miamiherald / living / 12082316 . htm ] kids , teens & parents [ / url ] planning potter themed events - and yes , there ' s a suggestion that planners visit [ url = http : / / www . potterparties . com / ] potterparties [ / url ] for more tips 今天的《邁阿密先驅》報刊登了一篇關于hbp主題聯歡和孩子、青少年、大人在準備波特主題聯歡時的一些細節的文章? ?沒錯,他們同樣還報道了組織者參加“波特舞會”的更多細節。

6 ) the correlation relationships of the mjo of daily 10m - wind ( v ) fields with that of sst fields are investigated by time - lagged svd method in the north pacific , south pacific and the tropical eastern pacific , and the basal process of v and sst mjo obtained in the three areas , which is a negative feedback process drived by drift and sensible heat under the conditions of shallow mld , is probably the maintaining mechanism 6 )用時滯svd方法分析了北太平洋、南太平洋、熱帶東太平洋區域10米高處逐日風(夕)場與sst場季內振蕩的相關聯系,得到了三區夕、 sst場季內振蕩的基本過程,它們是由漂流和感熱輸送推動的一個負反饋過程,它以薄mld為存在條件,可能是sst季內振蕩的維持機制。

According to simplifying activated sludge process no . 1 model ( asm1 ) , n - removal dynamic models in continuously mixed , continuously fed activated sludge process ( asp ) are established by employing expert experience about activated sludge process . then predictive control approach is applied to optimal control of this process . the simulation results show that it can cover the relative expert experiences more widely by applying mld to modeling and control of activated sludge process 5 .應用mld法,對asmi模型進行簡化,建立了連續進水間歇曝氣活性污泥法除氮動態模型,通過仿真結果,可知:采用mld方法,可以充分利用有關連續進水間歇曝氣活性污泥法的專家經驗知識,加入到模型中,使模型更加精確,控制和優化的效果更好。

With the exception of the tropical western pacific of large mld . there is negative correlation relationships between the anomaly of the sst mjo intensity and that of the mld in the other three regions in the seasons of the climatic small mld thus the causes of climatic and anomalous characteristics of atmospheric mjo are related to sst identically , and the corresponding features of sst mjo are related to mld , 3 ) enso is the strongest sign and can lead to the distinct sst and mld anomaly , hence the intensity anomaly of the air - sea system inevitably takes place during the enso Sst季內振蕩強度與mld異常的局地同時性相關結果是,熱帶西太平洋無顯著相關(氣候mld較大) ,其余三關鍵區氣候mld小的季節均存在sst季內振蕩強度與mld異常的負相關聯系。因此大氣季內振蕩氣候及異常特征直接成因一致地與sst 、有關;海洋季內振蕩相應特征則直接與mld有關。 3 ) enso是海氣系統中最強異常信號,在海洋中它引起了sst 、 mld的明顯異常,因此,伴隨enso必然發生海氣系統季內振蕩強度的異常。

Turbo codes were presented by c . berrou in international conference on communications in 1993 . they hang convolutional code and random interleaver together to realize the idea of random coding , and adopt soft input / soft output ( siso ) iterated decoding to approach maximum likelihood decoding ( mld ) . turbo codes come closer to approaching shannon ' s limit Turbo碼,由c . berrou等在icc ’ 93會議上提出,它巧妙地將卷積碼和隨機交織器結合在一起,實現了隨機編碼的思想,同時,采用軟輸入軟輸出迭代譯碼來逼近最大似然譯碼,具有近shannon限的性能。

In general , mld becomes shallower and less than 50 meters with solar radiation intensifying and wind stress weakening in summer , and becomes deeper in winter , especially in oceans ( such as the northwest pacific , the north atlantic and the southern ocean ) , where the mld ' s are between 100 and 300 meters ( the deepest depth being 600 m ) and have evident seasonal variability 整體而言,夏季由于太陽輻射增強,風應力減小,導致mld變淺,不超過50米;冬季相反, mld較深,且在局部海域(如西北太平洋、北大西洋和南大洋)出現mld顯著加深的現象,約在100 300米之間,最深處在600米以上,具有明顯的季節變化規律。

During the el nino ( la nina ) events , the negative ( positive ) sst anomaly occurs and the corresponding the olr mjo intensity weakens ( enhances ) in the tropical western pacific ; at the same time , the positive ( negative ) surface westerly anomaly leads to positive ( negative ) mld anomaly , and the corresponding sst mjo intensity weakens ( enhances ) in the equatorial eastern pacific , 4 ) the interdecadal variation of the atmospheric mjo intensity took place distinctly in 1970s in the tropical western , northwest and eastern pacific , with the stronger intensity in the former than the back stage , and the interdacadal variation of sst is its cause Elnino ( lanina )事件中熱帶兩太平洋sst出現負(正)異常, olr季內振蕩強度出現減弱(增強)的變化。 elnino ( lanina )事件中,赤道太平洋出現地面信風西風分量正(負)異常,并引起熱帶東太平洋mld出現正(負)異常,造成熱帶東太平洋sst季內振蕩強度出現減弱(增強)的變化。 4 )熱帶印度洋、熱帶西太平洋和熱帶東太平洋季內振蕩強度在上世紀70年代發生了明顯的年代際變化,均為前弱、后強, sst本身的年代際變化是其原因。

It is found that mld based on a temperature change from the ocean surface of 0 . 5 degree celsius is deeper , especially from jan . to apr . , while mld based on a variable density change from the ocean surface with a temperature change of 0 . 5 degree celsius is shallower 分析表明,基于溫度階躍0 . 5得到的mld較深,尤其在1 4月,這可能主要是因為沒考慮mld此時受到的鹽度變化的影響;基于溫差為0 . 5對應的密度定義的mld最淺。

Though maximum likelihood detection ( mld ) can obtain optimum detection performance in mimo communication systems , the ergodic search increases the complexity exponentially with the number of the antennas , which lead to implemental difficulty 在mimo通信系統信號檢測中,最大似然檢測( mld )可以獲得最佳的誤碼性能,然而遍歷式搜索方式使得mld的計算復雜度隨天線數呈指數形式遞增,在實際系統中,往往難以實時實現或者不能實現。

When the effect of surface wave breaking is considered , mld is 50 cm deeper than that obtained without wave breaking , and with the enhancement of wind stress forcing , the deepening of mld is increased 模擬結果表明,當考慮波浪破碎的影響時,混合層深度比無波浪影響時的結果加深了約50cm ;隨著風應力作用的增加,波浪破碎加強了混合層中的湍流混合,促使加深幅度也增加。

The global climatological monthly mean data of the mixed layer depth ( mld ) supplied by levitus ( 1994 ) in nodc based on three different criteria , are used to analyze the space distribution and seasonal variability of mld 利用nodc提供的levitus ( 1994 )全球氣候月平均混合層深度資料,分析了三種不同混合層深度定義下的混合層深度的空間分布特征和季節變化規律。

This method is demonstrated by an example in water industry systems . 5 . optimization of n - removal in sewage treatment is accomplished by exploiting mixed logical dynamic method ( mld ) 結果顯示itl適合于建立水工業混雜實時模型,摘要而且它能表達混雜系統中的專家經驗。

The mld of the ocean near the equator from 10 ? s to 10 ? n are less than 50 m and have no evident seasonal variability 而在10 s 10 n之間的赤道附近海域,因風應力和凈熱通量的季節變化不大,且該區降水量較大,浮力通量增加, mld較淺,低于50米,且沒有明顯的季節變化。

Therefore , to find the suboptimum detection schemes which have low complexity as well as good performance close to mld is the main problem of mimo signal detection 因此,低復雜度、逼近mld性能的次優信號檢測算法一直是mimo信號檢測所要解決的問題。

However , the space distribution and seasonal variability of mld obtained from different criteria are consistent with each other 盡管如此,三種定義下得到的mld的空間分布特征及季節變化規律卻是大體一致的。

Mld ; mean logistic delay 平均后勤延遲