
ml 短語和例子ML =1.Master of Laws 法學...


Inference is one of the major threats to mls dbms ' s security 對安全數據庫系統中特有的推理問題進行了研究。

Remark : 1 cup is about 240 ml 注:一杯約有240毫升。

5 ml eppendorf tube in 5 l of collection buffer 5ml的eppendorf管中,放人一70t冰箱中速凍保存直至測活bu 。

Remark : 1 bowl is about 240 ml 注:一碗約有240毫升。

Ap showed significant antiviral activity to nd virus at 500 and loo ^ g / ml 但只在500ug加l達到了顯著水平。

Ml - 1400 1480 creasing and cutting machine 全張高速切紙機

Advanced xml ml schema definition language attributes binding support 高級xml架構定義語言屬性綁定支持

Ultra - attack : long farrowed ml / r , short farrowed fbs 極度攻擊性:長拉線的左右中場,短拉線的邊后衛。

Oral treasure oral mouth wash 50 ml 口腔寶口腔消毒劑50ml

Oral treasure oral mouth wash 10 ml 口腔寶口腔消毒劑10ml

Oral treasure oral mouth wash 300 ml 口腔寶口腔消毒劑300ml

Mls mln vertical roller mill for cement Mls mln型立式水泥磨機

22 ml thorotrast . discharged . check up 3 months later 22毫升thorotrast .病愈出院.三個月后復查

Applicable cubage of packaging bag 適用包裝袋內的空氣體積ml包

Non - toxic cooling lubricating liquid for cutting 200 ml package 無毒型切削冷卻潤滑液200毫升裝

1 cup 240 ml of the above fluids 一杯( 240毫升)以上列出的飲料。

We need to call the fbl , the ml - 5 , the men in black 我們得通知聯邦調查局英國情報局星際戰警

Gel rate ml 15g green compression strength hot compression strength 工業試樣熱濕壓強度值kpa

9 pf - temp are used to reduce api fluid loss less than 5 ml Temp用于將api失水降到低于5毫升。