
mizzen n.【造船】后桅〔又叫 mizzenmast〕;后帆;最...

mizzen rigging

Just then a sort of brightness fell upon me in the barrel and looking up , i found the moon had risen , and was silvering , the mizzen - top and shining white on the luff of the fore - sail and almost at the same time the voice of the look - out shouted land ho 就在這時,一道光亮射進桶內,照到了我身上,而當我抬頭望時,發現月亮已經升起來了,照得后桅的頂部銀光閃閃,前桅帆的頂上也白花花的幾乎與此同時,觀望的聲音喊起來: “陸地嗬! ”

Now , right before us , the anchorage was bounded by a plateau from two to three hundred feet high , adjoining on the north the sloping southern shoulder of the spy - glass , and rising again towards the south into the rough , cliffy eminence called the mizzen - mast hill 在我們前方,錨地與一片高約兩百至三百英尺的高地連接著。高地的北端與望遠鏡山的南坡相接,向南則逐漸拱起,形成崎嶇多石的后桅山。

Haulbowline head and mizzen - mast hill were at my elbow ; the hill bare and dark , the head bound with cliffs forty or fifty feet high , and fringed with great masses of fallen rock 帆索海角和后桅山就在眼前。后桅山是一座深色的禿山,帆索海角被四五十英尺高的峭壁和崩塌的大塊巖石所包圍。

Sure enough there was no hurry . in a more open part of the plateau , we could see the three survivors still running in the same direction as they had started , right for mizzen - mast hill 的確不用著急,在高地比較開闊的地方,我們看得見三個幸存的海盜還在朝著他們開始跑的方向直奔后桅山。

Quick as thought , i sprang into the mizzen shrouds , rattled up hand over hand , and did not draw a breath till i was seated on the cross - trees 說時遲,那時快,我一躍身爬上后桅支索的軟梯上,兩手交替著一節一節向上爬,直爬到桅頂橫桁上坐下來,才松了一口氣。

That hill to the nor ard they calls the fore - mast hill ; there are three hills in a row running south ard - fore , main , and mizzen , sir 北邊的那座小山他們叫做前桅山從那兒向南看,并列的是三座山前桅主桅和后桅,閣下。

Five minutes after , it was down ; and we sailed under mizzen - tops ls and to gall nt sails 五分鐘以后,大帆落下來了,我們只得扯著尾帆和上桅帆航行。

We can patch up the main and mizzen . foresail ' s gone , so we ' ii bend our spare 我們可以修好主桅以及后桅前桅的大帆也不能用了,我們只好用備用的

Then his entire gun crew ' s killed . soon as he went up the mizzen , will falls 他的整個炮手班都死光了,他一到后桅,威爾就倒下了

Mizzen ' s gone ! hands to the taffrail 后桅完了!船尾欄桿需要人手!

You men , iay aloft . the mizzen topgallant . light along 你們,去上邊,后桅上桅帆,別管燈了!

Mr hollom , help young warley on the mizzen topgallant 霍倫先生,幫幫后桅上桅帆的小威利