
mixture n.1.混合,混雜;混合狀態。2.混合物;混合體;(內燃...

mixture ratio

Then the mixture must be quickly enriched with extra fuel . 此時,混合物必須要用額外加入的燃料迅速地加濃。

A cold engine needs a richer mixture to run satisfactorily . 冷發動機需要較濃的混合氣,才能可靠地運轉。

For simplicity, let us assure an exactly equimolar mixture . 為簡便起見,我們假設它正好是等摩爾混合的。

Complex mixtures may be separated by “temperature-programming“ . 復雜的混合物可用程序升溫色譜儀來分離。

The explosive mixture in a rocket consists of fuel and oxygen . 火箭中的爆炸性混合物由燃料和氧氣構成。

The idle system supplies a very rich mixture to start with . 怠速系統提供很濃的可燃混合氣供起動使用。

The mixture was refluxed gently with stirring for 42 hours . 邊攪拌,該混合物邊溫和地進行回流42小時。

The bound labeled virus is then separated from the mixture . 這種結合有標記物的病毒然后與混合物分離。

All of these mixtures produced a cloudy liquid dispersion . 所有這些混合物,都產生混濁的液體分散系。

The desizing mixture is applied to the fabric using a padder . 退漿混合料都用浸軋機浸敷于織物上。

These cigarettes are made with a mixture of the best tobaccos . 這些卷煙是由最好的煙草配制成的。

The speaker was received with a mixture of applause and hisses . 那演說者同時獲得了喝采與噓聲。

The mixture of sperm and accessory fluids is called semen . 精子和附加的液體的混合物稱為精液。

First, suppose the mixture is heated to the temperature t1 . 首先,假定將混合物加熱到溫度T1。

The mixture was made . 就這樣人們都熟悉了。

Some of the ingredients of a mixture are larger than others . 混合物的某些組分比其它組分大。

The mixture is allowed to hydrate for approximately 3 minutes . 混合物進行水合反應約3分鐘。

His tone contained the right mixture of banter and seriousness . 他的口氣是半戲謔半認真的。

The mixture was cured at room temperature for 8 to 14 days . 混合物在室溫下需熟化814天。