
mixt mix 的異體過去式和過去分詞。


I descended a little on the side of that delicious vale , surveying it with a secret kind of pleasure , tho mixt with my other afflicting thoughts to think that this was all my own , that i was king and lord of all this country indefeasibly , and had a right of possession ; and if i could convey it , i might have it in inheritance , as compleatly as any lord of a mannor in england 我沿著這個風景秀麗的山坡往下走了一段路,心里暗自高興,卻又夾雜著苦惱。我環顧四周,心里不禁想,這一切現在都是我的,我是這地方無可爭辯的君王,對這兒擁有所有權,如果可以轉讓的話,我可以把這塊地方傳給子孫后代,像英國采邑的領主那樣。

Based on laboratory and in - situ tests , the influence of initial void on the rutting - resistance , moisture damage - resistance , strength and permeability of asphalt mixt is studied , and the appropriate ranges of air void of asphalt mixtures are analyzed and suggested 摘要在室內試驗和現場測試的基礎上,分析初始空隙率大小對瀝青混合料抗車轍能力、水穩定性、強度和滲透性能的影響,探討瀝青混合料空隙率的界限值。

And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting : and the children of israel also wept again , and said , who shall give us flesh to eat 民11 : 4他們中間的閑雜人大起貪欲的心以色列人又哭號說、誰給我們肉吃呢。