
mix vt.(mixed, 〔古語〕mixt )1.混,混合,...


These colours mix well . 這些顏色能調配得很好。

Pills may be crushed and mixed with honey if necessary . 必要時可壓碎丸劑,并加蜂蜜調服。

The mixed crystals have a lipophilic surface characteristic . 這種混晶具有親脂表面特性。

In the end he had got mixed up in some shady affair . 最后,他卷入了一樁見不得人的勾當。

Peat moss is a major constituent of most soil mixes . 泥苔蘚是許多土壤混合物的主要成份。

Everything was mixed up . 腦子里一下子亂成一鍋粥。

Yesterday and tomorrow cross and mix on the skyline . 昨日與明日,在地平線上互相交合。

Many women successfully mix marriage and a career . 很多婦女都能做到婚姻、事業兩不誤。

Mix the sugar with the flour . 把糖與面粉和在一起。

Surely you can mix the wine . 你們一定能調配這種酒。

He felt a quick remorse which was mixed with fear . 他馬上又后悔了,而且還有些害怕。

He must have got mixed up in something in chicago . 他一定是在芝加哥卷進了什么事情。

I got the tickets mixed up and gave you mine . 我把票混在一起了,結果把我的給你了。

At the close of a century ideals are mixed . 而在這個世紀的末尾,理想是五花八門的。

You are always mixing me up with my twin sister ! 你老是把我和我的攣生妹妹弄混了!

My emotion were mixed as i said good-by to him . 向他告別時,我真有點百感交集。

I want us to be all mixed up . 我要我們一切都混合為一體。

Mix this oil with the paint and stir them well . 把這油和漆攙在一起,好好攪拌。

Pink and blue mix well together . 粉色和藍色在一起很協調。