
mitzvah 短語和例子mitzvah, mitsvahn.(pl. ...


An argument for support of this speculation is that bachelorhood was very rare for jewish males of jesus ' time , being generally regarded as a transgression of the first mitzvah ( divine commandment ) - “ be fruitful and multiply “ 支持這個論點的一種思考就是獨身生活在耶穌時期的男性是十分罕有的,通常地被認為是違返了第一條戒律(神圣的命令) ? ? “結出果實和繁衍后代” 。

In between are events like weddings and bar mitzvahs each one is different but the principles of conversation are the same : be open , find the common ground with your partner , and always listen 場合雖有不同,但交談準則卻是一致的:坦率、尋找你和談話對象的共同點、隨時注意傾聽。

Last august , we left immediately after my nephews bar mitzvah , with all the families still gathered in new jersey , and they wanted to stay 去年8月,我外甥的成人禮結束后,我們全家就動身回中國了。

I got a major coke deal , my daughter ' s bat mitzvah , which is a total nightmare 馬上有樁大買賣,我女兒的生日又到了這正是場惡夢

No one dresses as a mime and embarrasses me at my daughter ' s bat mitzvah 我可不許人穿成小丑的樣子在我女兒的生日會上讓我難堪

Easy , a bar mitzvah 很簡單,成人禮

What , a bar mitzvah 什么?成人禮?

A bar mitzvah for ryan Ryan的成人禮?

At your bat mitzvah 你給她介紹特瑞薩修女

It ' s a mitzvah what your dad did , and i want to try to give that back to you 你父親做了一件好事,因此我也想報答你。

If i catch you with him smoking , i ' ll take your bar mitzvah money 如果讓我抓到你們跟他抽煙,我會把你們的成年禮拿走

Thank you , everybody , for coming out to celebrate my little girl ' s bat mitzvah 非常感謝大家來參加我女兒的生日會

The whole thing about a bar mitzvah 重要的是成人禮

It “ s called a bar mitzvah - kah 這是個叫成人禮的聚會

It “ s an honorary bar mitzvah 會是個值得紀念的成人禮

Does al tell this guy that he just cashed a fucking bar mitzvah bond 艾爾告訴這家伙他兌現了一沓證券么

I would just say we could pool our bar mitzvah money , but . . 我們可以做一個成人禮,能拿到些錢,但是…

It “ s a staple of every bar mitzvah 每個成人禮都會有這個的

Happy bat mitzvah , baby . i love you 生日快樂,寶貝,我愛你