
mity adj.多螨的。


Secondly , the steps of the glass ' s image processing are discussed in detail . based on the experiments and the characteristics of interference fringe , we pre - process the images with median filter and image segmentation with dynamic threshold . after marking and thinning the resulted fringes , we analyze linearly the unifor mity of product ' s samples with the characteristics of the framework 然后,結合檢測系統中玻璃干涉圖像處理的任務,詳細介紹了處理的各個步驟:通過實驗比較,并結合干涉條紋圖像的特點,選擇中值濾波、動態閾值分割等技術對圖像進行預處理;然后對獲得的二值條紋進行標記、細化,提取條紋骨架;最后,用骨架的特征進行線性分析,識別條紋的類型,判斷玻璃樣品的均勻性。

It explains tha the mity - based w system is a new methed and way for wtving cost hnt system of the modem enterprises ds having analsed in thcory and proved in praedce . it has irnportan meanin for reducing enwise cost and boving it ' s pidducs comive power . it also has consderable reference value to ghde cost management and cost control of chinse sepot enterprises 通過理論分析和實踐中檢驗說明了作業標準成本制度是現代企業改進現有成本管理制度的?種新的方法和出路,對降低企業成本和提高產品市場競爭力具有特別重要的意義,對指導我國離散型制造企業在新的制造環境下的成本管理和成本控制具有較大的參考價值。

No matter the construction of the house , municipal utilities and mine project , and even the harnessing design of geological cala mity etc . , all will be done by us with same splendidness , we will offer the best products and the most high - quality service , making our customers and the customer ' s customer carefree 無論是房屋、市政、礦山工程的施工,乃至地質災害的治理設計等,每一項我們都做得同樣出色,提供最好的產品和最優質的服務,讓客戶和客戶的客戶無憂!