
mitten n.1.(僅拇指分開的)兩指手套;(女用)露指長手套。2...

mitten sport

In the wake of new york ' s finest in the post - snowstorm cold , revelers huddled in long coats , mittens , sturdy boots , hats and earmuffs 拳擊手套因為天氣寒冷,參加盛典的人們用大衣,手套,靴子,帽子和耳罩把自己捂得嚴嚴實實。

Peter and the kittens explained that they were looking for the kittens ' lost mittens . this made the kittens so sad that they began to cry 皮特和三個小貓解釋他們在尋找小貓丟失的拳擊手套。這件事讓小貓們哭了起來。

Protect your skin . sunscreen , lip balm , hats , and mittens will protect sensitive skin from sunburn , windburn , and frostbite 保護你的皮膚。防曬油,潤唇膏,帽子和手套可以很好的保護皮膚,避免曬黑,皮膚病或者凍傷。

It was appropriate for cloning the full - length cdnas of the genes related to the ovary development of the mitten crab Northern印跡分析結果表明ejoi基因在m期卵巢高表達。 ejoi基因的genbank檢索號為: ay185917 。

Zoobenthos were affected by mitten crabs in two ways : direct feeding on benthos and indirect effect through damage of submerged macrophytes 河吸對底棲動物的影響一是直接覓食,二是通過破壞水草間接影響。

Once again , the three little kittens explained how they lost their mittens . and they became so sad that again they began to cry 三只小貓把怎么丟失拳擊手套的事又解釋了一遍。他們如此地傷心以致他們哭了。

“ don ' t cry , little kittens , “ said the three pigs . “ we haven ' t see any mittens , but you are welcome to look around . “不要哭,小貓, ”三只小豬說, “我們沒有看見什么拳擊手套。但是歡迎你們在附近找找。 ”

He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said “ take me to where you live 他一手拿起她的錢,另一只手抓起了她帶著棒球手套的小手說: “帶我到你們住的地方去。

Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head , neck and ears and wear mittens instead of gloves 戴帽子和圍巾可以防止熱量從頭頂脖子和耳朵損失,并且要戴連指手套而不是普通手套。

“ great ! “ said peter . “ it ' s good to have extra eggs , just in case any break . now let ' s find your mittens . “太好了! ”皮特說。 “有多余的蛋很好,恰好預防破蛋的情況。現在讓我們來找你的拳擊手套。 ”

Pay attention to the places where snow can enter , like the tops of boots , the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens 要注意那些雪可能進入的地方,如靴子口、外套的衣領及連指手套的手腕處。

Pay attention to the places where snow can enter , like the tops of boots , the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens 多注意那些雪能進去的地方,比如長靴的頂部,衣領處以及手套的手腕處。

Pay attention to the places where snow can enter , like the tops of boots , the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens 注意雪能進入的地方,象鞋子的頂部,衣服的脖子處和手套的手腕處。

Pay attention to the places where snow can enter , like the tops of boots , the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens 當心那些雪容易進入的地方,象靴子口,衣領和手套的手腕處。

Effects of embryonic developmental stages in vitro from fertilized eggs in chinese mitten crab eriocheir sinensis on larva rearing 不同發育期中華絨螯蟹胚胎離體孵化和幼體培育的研究

And wear mittens instead of gloves , gloves may not keep hands as warm , because they separate the fingers 戴連指手套代替分指手套,分指手套不能保持手的溫暖,因為他們把手指分開了。

“ if you help me count my eggs , then i can help you find your mittens , “ peter told them “假如你們幫助我數我的蛋,然后我就能夠幫助你們找到你們的拳擊手套。 ”皮特告訴他們。

Oh , hi , dad . yeah , er , thanks for the little silver mittens . they really mean a lot to me . really 噢,嗨,爸爸。是的,恩,謝謝小銀拳擊手套,它們真的對我意義很大,真的。

In return for swinging them , the girls paid the boys eggs , pies , or even handmade mittens and socks 作為回報,女孩子蕩秋千要給男孩子們雞蛋、派、甚至是手織手套和襪子。