
mitt n.1.= mitten.2.〔俚語〕手,掌;拳頭;〔美...


Our main products : dust mop , wet mop , pva mop , drying mop , microfibre mop , sweeper , wool duster , ostrich duster , turkey duster , electrostatic duster , lint brush , sticky roller , car brush , pet hair pic - up lint mitt , broom , dustpan , toilet brush , windows wiper , magic sponge , cleaning slippers etc 公司主要產品有:家用和商用塵推、水拖把、膠棉拖把;地板擦;超細纖維系列家用拖把;汽車清潔系列、汽車刷;玻璃刮、羊毛撣、靜電撣;掃帚、吸塵埃(打蠟)劑;商用(家用)畚箕;衣刷、衛生清潔用刷;園藝用品等。

Based on the field investigations and laboratory examinations , a study of the population of the epiphytic dolichomitriopsis diversformis ( mitt . ) nog . in fanjing mountain reveals that its habitats are different among different host trees , but that there lies the common habitat characteristics of not more than 2m height from the bottoms of host trees trunks , less light , high relative humidity , slow wind speed , slow evaporation speed and long time of remaining humid in middle - lower tree bark ; that it is one dioecious moss species , the morphology is remarkably different between its perichaetium and perigonium , the number of its perichaetia is much more than that of its perigonia , its perigonium is difficult to find out , its sporophyte is upright , its seta is long and thin , its capsule is regular long oval and its calyptra is cucullate 摘要通過野外調查和室內觀測對貴州省梵凈山樹附生尖葉擬船葉蘚種群的研究表明,其生境因其所附生的樹種不同而有所不同,但具有共同特點:附生在樹干下部距地面2m高的范圍之內,光照弱、濕度大、風速小、蒸發量小、中下部樹皮保持濕潤的持續時間長;其為雌雄異株蘚種,雌、雄器苞形態差異明顯,雌器苞數量多,雄器苞數量少并且難于發現,孢子體直立,蒴柄細長,孢蒴規則長卵形,蒴帽兜形。

Avoid taking your car to car washes if possible and wash your own car using premium quality wash mitts , car wash solutions and follow by drying your car using only premium quality chamois , 100 % cotton towels , or meguiar ' s new microfiber drying towel 如果可能的話,最好使用質量好的洗車手套,不要去車行洗車,洗車效果以及接下來用一流質量的羚羊布吸干水份,或100 %棉質吸水毛巾皆可。

For him to win the republican nomination for president , mike huckabee had to beat mitt romney in iowa , rudy giuliani had to pursue a deranged strategy , fred thompson had to contract narcolepsy , and the “ surge ” had to go well 他要想贏得共和黨總統提名,那么麥克-赫卡比就得在愛荷華州擊敗米特-羅姆尼,朱利安尼就得出昏招,弗雷德-湯普森就得換上嗜睡癥,并且布什的增兵戰略得奏效。

I ' ve got it in my heart and i ' ve got cars in my bloodstream . ” that was mitt romney before he won the republican primary in michigan this week , thumping john mccain by 39 % to 30 % and leaving mike huckabee flat in the snow with 16 % 在密特羅姆內本周以39 %對30 %與16 %的優勢擊敗約翰麥凱恩大潰麥克赫可比贏得共和黨在密西根州的初選之前曾如此豪言。

A preview of the impact channel main page revealed photo links to profile pages of joe biden , hillary clinton , john edwards , rudy giuliani , duncan hunter , dennis kucinich , john mccain , barack obama , ron paul , and mitt romney 頻道主頁的預覽版本披露了包括美國前總統克林頓夫人希拉里在內的10位美國總統競選者的照片和介紹。

Experts say there is still no clear leader in the race , with arizona senator john mccain and former massachusetts governor mitt romney battling for the top spot , and former arkansas governor mike huckabee in third 美國總統大選仍處在初選階段,共和黨總統候選人繼續把重點放在能夠從對手那里獲得更多選民支持的個人實力上。

As a standard rule , anytime a wash mitt is dropped to the ground , it should not be returned to use but instead should be either discarded or cleaned 洗車有一個標準,任何時候,只要洗車手套落在了地上,它就不應該再用來抹車身,而是把它放在一邊或將它洗干凈。

Republican presidential contender mike huckabee came in a surprisingly close second to mitt romney in the iowa straw poll on saturday 共和黨總統競選人麥克?赫克比在周六愛荷華州民意測驗中令人吃驚的以微弱劣勢暫居第二,排在米特?羅姆尼之后。

Mccain , who had hoped to nail down the nomination with a big night , won seven states while rival mike huckabee won five and mitt romney took five 希望可以一夜定勝負的麥凱恩贏得了7個州,他的對手麥克?哈克比和米特?羅姆尼各贏得了5個州。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 在馬薩諸塞州,米特?雷蒙尼州長已被提議為他所在的州的每一位中高年級學生購買一臺這種廉價電腦。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 在馬薩諸塞州,州長米特?雷蒙尼建議買一些低價格的電腦給他所在州的每個初中生和高中生。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 在馬薩諸塞州,州長米特?雷蒙尼已經提議將為周內的每個中學生買一臺這種低價位計算機。

Rudy giuliani is well ahead of him in national polls , and mitt romney is trouncing him in iowa and new hampshire 在全國的民意調查中,魯迪朱利安尼遙遙領先于他,而就算在愛荷華以及漢普郡兩州,他也未能敵過米特羅慕尼。

In massachusetts , governor mitt romney has proposed to buy a low - cost computer for every middle and high school student in his state 馬薩諸塞州州長米特?雷蒙尼已經建議州內每個中學生購買這一廉價電腦。

Do not directly hold the utensils that contain hot water , soup , or food . use oven mitts or towel to carry hot utensils 避免直接拿取或運送盛滿的熱水煲、湯煲和剛煮熱的食物或飲品。

Mitt romney , who raised $ 14m and has a huge personal fortune to draw on , comes third with 19 % 密特-羅姆尼,募集了1400萬,有著不錯的運氣,獲得提名的可能性為19 % ,名列第三。

They also include former governors mitt romney of massachusetts and mike huckabee of arkansas 還包括麻薩諸塞州前州長米特羅尼和阿肯色州前州長麥克胡卡比。

Despite low turnout , mitt romney says he ' s happy with his victory in the iowa straw poll 盡管參加者不多,米特羅姆尼稱他對在愛荷華州公投的勝利很開心。