
mitral adj.僧帽瓣狀的,主教冠(狀)的。 mitral st...


Results : among 64 cases with crf , the echocardiographic findings were mitral valve calcification ( mac ) in 9 cases , mitral regurgitation ( mr ) in 5 cases , mitral stenosis ( ms ) in 2 cases , aortic valve calcification in 12 cases , aortic regurgitation in 7 cases , combined mitral and aortic valves cacification in 5 cases , respectively 結果: 64例患者中發現二尖瓣鈣化9例,二尖瓣返流5例,二尖瓣面積減少致狹窄2例,主動脈瓣鈣化12例,主動脈瓣返流7例,二尖瓣并發主動脈瓣鈣化3例。

Conclusion : mitral and aortic valves were vulnerable to calcification which was the major change of heart valve in patients with crf on maintenance hemodialysis , the degree of calcification was closely related to hyperphosphoremia , secondary hyperparathyroidism and a longer period of hemodialysis 結論:慢性腎功能衰竭維持性血液透析患者心臟瓣膜病變均以鈣化為主,尤以二尖瓣、主動脈瓣易發,且鈣化程度與鈣磷乘積、繼發性甲狀旁腺機能亢進和血液透析年限密切相關。

Two recent new england journal of medicine studies confirm preious findings associating pergolide with increased chance of regurgitation ( backflow of blood ) of the mitral , tricuspid , and aortic ales of the heart . ale regurgitation is a condition in which ales don ' t close tightly , allowing blood to flow backward across the ale 《新英格蘭醫學雜志》最近的兩篇文章證實了以前發現的有關培高利特增加心臟主動脈瓣、二尖瓣膜和三尖瓣血液回流可能性。

Background ? mild commissural mitral regurgitation ( mr ) is associated with significantly higher restenosis - free surial after percutaneous mitral aluloplasty ( pm ) , which suggests that different mechanisms of significant mr after pm may hae different clinical courses 背景:經皮二尖瓣成形術后嚴重高度非再狹窄存活率與輕度交界處損傷的二尖瓣關閉不全相關,表明經皮二尖瓣成形術后嚴重二尖瓣關閉不全的不同機制可能有不同的臨床過程。

Former for sound of of one mind , basically originate systaltic when the oscillatory ; latter that mitral valve and tricuspid shut generation is disloyalty sound , basically originate diastolic when the vibration that aorta valve and pulmonary artery valve shut a generation 前者為第一心音,主要來源于心臟收縮時二尖瓣和三尖瓣關閉產生的振動;后者為第二心音,主要來源于心臟舒張時主動脈瓣和肺動脈瓣關閉所產生的振動。

A thorough family history should be taken because many cardiac disorders ( eg , coronary artery disease [ cad ] , systemic hypertension , bicuspid aortic valve , hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , mitral valve prolapse ) have a heritable basis 很多心臟疾病(如冠狀動脈疾病( cad ) 、全身性高血壓、二葉主動脈瓣疾病、肥厚型心肌病、二尖瓣脫垂)都有遺傳基礎,因此應收集詳盡的家族病史。

The technique “ improed coordinated timing of mechanical actiation of papillary muscle insertion sites and the remote decrease of functional mitral regurgitation secondary to left entricular reerse remodeling , “ the authors write 作者指出,這一技術提高了乳頭肌插入部機械出發和遠隔部位二尖瓣重構導致的二尖瓣功能降低性返流之間的協同考慮。

Late systolic murmurs begin in midsystole and extend to or through s2 . they may be heard in mitral valve prolapse ( frequently accompanied by midsystolic clicks ) or coarctation of the aorta 收縮期晚期雜音始于收縮期中期,延至或貫穿s2 。可在二尖瓣脫垂(通常伴有收縮中期喀喇音)或主動脈瓣縮縫時聽到。

Of the 47 patients with significant mr , who were followed up for 74 29 months , 19 patients ( 40 % ) underwent mitral ale replacement , and 28 patients ( 60 % ) receied medical treatment only 47例嚴重mr患者中19例進行了二尖瓣瓣膜置換, 28例只接受保守常規治療,他們都進行了為期74 29個月隨訪。

Whether the pain is related to the mitral valve prolapse or whether it is an epiphenomenon is controversial because it is common in the absence of evident prolapse 不過,疼痛是否與二尖瓣脫垂相關,抑或只是一種偶發現象,對此人們尚有爭議,因為這種疼痛即便是在無明顯脫垂時也很常見。

Instead of a decreased right ventricle , this could also correspond to an increased left ventricle . this would probably be due to late aortic stenosis or mitral regurgitation 假如不是右心室縮小,那可能就是左心室增大,這可能是由于主動脈瓣狹窄或二尖瓣返流導致。

In time , chronic rheumatic valvulitis may develop by organization of the acute endocardial inflammation along with fibrosis , as shown here affecting the mitral valve 慢性風濕性心瓣膜病可能由急性心內膜炎機化和纖維化發展而來,可見二尖瓣受到影響。

They measured the effectie regurgitant orifice and ealuated indices of mitral deformation , including systolic alular tenting and mitral annular contraction 他們評價了返流時有效的二尖瓣口大小和二尖瓣異形程度,包括收縮期瓣膜的展開及二尖瓣的收縮。

In many cardiac disorders , dyspnea due to a fixed cardiac output and that due to pulmonary congestion occur simultaneously ( eg , in mitral stenosis ) 在許多心臟疾病中,由固定心排血量引起的呼吸困難常與肺充血引起的呼吸困難同時發生(如二尖瓣狹窄) 。

The mean mitral tenting area was significantly greater in ergot - treated patients and showed a linear relationship with the severity of mitral regurgitation 服用麥角?生物的患者其二尖瓣幕狀區的均值顯著增加,且和二尖瓣返流的嚴重程度成線性關系。

“ we need a trial on applying cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with seere mitral regurgitation and to do immediate and long - term follow - up . “我們需要進行相關研究,對嚴重二尖瓣返流病人進行復心律治療,觀察近期和遠期療效。 ”

The mitral - valve tenting area was also measured and used as a quantitative index for leaflet stiffening and apical displacement of leaflet coaptation 對二尖瓣幕狀區也進行測量,作為定量參數評價發生瓣葉僵硬和瓣葉接合處頂部移位。

Likewise , the stethoscope allows the examiner to detect mid systolic clicks in mitral valve prolapse and pericardial friction rubs 同樣聽診器有利于檢查者發現二尖瓣脫垂時收縮中期喀喇音和心包摩擦音。

The small verrucous vegetations seen along the closure line of this mitral valve are associated with acute rheumatic fever 沿著二尖瓣的閉鎖緣可見一些小的疣狀贅生物,它們與急性風濕熱相關。