
mitotic adj.【生物學】有絲分裂的。


Disruption of lipid rafts and caveolae by depleting cellular cholesterol with cholesterol - binding reagent , - methylcyclodextrin or filipin , blocks the igf - 1 receptor signaling in 3t3 - l1 preadipocyte . both hormone induced adipocyte differentiation and mitotic clonal expansion are inhibited by lipid rafts and caveolae disruption . however , a nonspecific lipid binding reagent , xylazine , does not affect adipocyte differentiation or mitotic expansing 利用膽固醇結合試劑,如甲基環糊精和菲律賓菌素,減少細胞膽固醇的含量,破壞細胞膜上脂質筏/質膜微囊的結構,抑制了igf - 1受體信號誘導的3t3 - l1前脂肪細胞的分化以及克隆擴增。

Upon the differentiation induction of 3t3 - l1 preadipocytes by hormone cocktail containing 1 - isobutyl - 3 - methylxanthine , dexamethasone and insulin , the preadipocytes undergo ~ 2 rounds of mitotic clonal expansion , which just precedes the adipogenic gene expression program and has been thought to be an essential early step for differentiation initiation 誘導分化的早期細胞會進行約兩輪的細胞分裂,被稱為克隆擴增。克隆擴增以前一直被認為可能有利于染色體的重構以易化分化所需要的基因表達,因此克隆擴增可能是3t3 l1前脂肪細胞分化所必需的過程。

6 ) after passage , the qinchuan - scalper skin fibroblast cells were in lag phase in first two day , then entered log phase and persisted six days , they stayed at plateur phase for about three days ; the mitotic index were most high at the fifth day after culture and toboggan at the sixth day 從生長曲線可以看出,以低糖dmem培養第4代秦川牛皮膚成纖維細胞,接種后滯留期縮短,約一天左右,之后為對數生長期,持續六天左右,進入平頂期。分裂指數最高時期在培養開始后的第五天,第六天急劇下降。

As the cyclin dependent kinase , cdc2 may act at multiple levels during mitosis to repress ribosome biogenesis , which lead the biosynthesis to a relative silent phase , when the most of cell ' s energy expenditure is used in chromosome condensation , breakdown of the nuclear envelope , and formation of the mitotic spindle 作為cyclin依賴激酶, cdc2的激酶活性在很大程度上抑制了細胞的合成代謝,使細胞的蛋白合成進入了一個相對的靜止期,而細胞主要的能量則被應用于細胞分裂時的染色體的濃縮、核膜的降解、紡錘體的形成等。

This is a very ambitious but potentially far more comprehensive and long - term approach to combating cancer than anything currently available or in development : total elimination of the genes for telomerase and alt ( alternative lengthening of telomeres ) from all of our mitotic cells 這是一次很有雄心的、但比起目前已有的或正在發展中的與癌癥戰斗任何方法,都潛在地遠為廣泛和長期的方法:從所有我們有絲分裂細胞中全部剔除端粒酶基因和消除alt (端粒變長的另一種途徑) 。

The nuclei of the late g2 phase treated by cytochalasinb were incubated in the mitotic extracts harvested from the metaphase plasmodia . western blotting analysis showed that the content of cyclin b in the nuclei changed little . in contrast , in the control group , the content of cyclin b gradually increased with the prolongation of incubating time 將經細胞松弛素b處理后的g _ 2晚期細胞核在有絲分裂中期提取物中溫育,經洗滌后對細胞核中cycli b的含量進行分析,發現隨著溫育時間的延長,細胞核中cyclinb的含量沒有明顯的變化。

After the nuclei of late g2 phase were incubated in the mitotic extracts harvested from metaphase plasmodia , the cyclin b in the nuclei gradually accumulated with the prolongation of incubating time . while , in the control group , the content of cyclin b changed little . this indicated that the mitotic extracts of metaphase plasmodia had the activity of accelerating the process of prophase , and the cell free system with mpf activity was established 將g _ 2晚期細胞核溫育于中期提取物中,免疫印跡結果表明隨著溫育時間的延長,細胞核中cyclinb的含量逐漸增加,而在沒有中期提取物的對照組細胞核中cyclinb含量并不隨著溫育時間的延長而增加,說明多頭絨泡菌中期提取物具有促進有絲分裂前期進程的作用,同時也說明我們構建了具有mpf活性的非細胞體系。

When the body suffered from malignancy , on the one hand , tumor restrained cell immunity function , antibody ' s production and the body ' s immunity effect through inducing restraining t cell , so it accelerated tumor ' s growth , on the other hand , tumor induced body fluid restrained gene , which prevented t cell and nk cell from killing tumor and restrained lymphocyte to mitotic multiplication reaction , indeed it accelerated tumor ' s growth 當機體一旦患上惡性腫瘤后,一方面腫瘤通過誘導抑制性t細胞,抑制細胞免疫功能及抗體的產生,抑制機體對腫瘤的免疫效應,從而使腫瘤逃逸機體的免疫監視,促進腫瘤的生長。另一方面,腫瘤通過誘導體液抑制因子阻止t細胞和nk細胞的等對腫瘤的殺傷作用,抑制淋巴細胞對有絲分裂原的增殖反應,甚至促進腫瘤的生長。

Furthermore , when normally induced 3t3 - l1 preadipocytes were treated with pd98059 ( an inhibitor of mek - 1 ) , to block the activation of erk1 and 2 , the mitotic clonal expansion was blocked , while adipocyte differentiation was not affected 我們用有絲分裂原激活蛋白激酶激酶( mapkk / mek1 )的抑制劑pd98059與誘導分化激素及藥物一起對細胞誘導分化,克隆擴增不發生,但細胞分化未受影響。

Neurons are high1y differentiated ce11s in vivo , owing specific morpho1ogica1 structure and functions , and belonging to post - - mitotic ce11s , means that neurons once formed in the deve1oping course then can “ t divided 為了探討睡眠的功能,人們用剝奪睡眠的方法對人和動物進行了大量的研究。神經細胞是體內高度分化的有絲分裂后細胞,在發生過程中,一旦成熟它就失去了分裂能力。

Growth factors can act on many kinds of cells as mitotic promoter and deprival of growth factors can cause cease of cell growth or cell death . thus growth factors are usually thought relative to cell growth and differentiation 生長因子可以作為促分裂劑作用于多種細胞,剝奪生長因子可以導致細胞生長停止或細胞死亡,因此通常認為生長因子與促進細胞的增殖和存活有關。

However , significant fraction of 3t3 - l1 preadipocytes differentiated into adipocytes without the mitotic clonal expansion when the preadipocytes were induced with the combination of 1 - isobutyl - 3 - methylxanthine and dexamethasone 用地塞米松和ibmx對細胞進行誘導不發生克隆擴增,而細胞也能部分分化,分化形成的脂肪細胞未經過dna復制。

By inducing 3t3 - l1 preadipocyte with individual hormone , it was identified that the mitotic clonal expansion was induced only by insulin , not by 1 - isobutyl - 3 - methylxanthine or dexamethasone 有報道用藥物抑制了克隆擴增的同時抑制了細胞的分化。我們發現克隆擴增是僅由胰島素誘導引起的。

The enteropathy shown here has loss of crypts , increased mitotic activity , loss of brush border , and infiltration with lymphocytes and plasma cells ( b - cells sensitized to gliaden ) 這里顯示這種腸病缺乏腺管、有絲分裂活躍、刷狀緣消失,伴有淋巴細胞和漿細胞浸潤( b細胞對麥膠敏感) 。

Excision surgery was performed and the histopathology showed a cutaneous fibrous mass with sparse cellularity , nuclear atypia but without mitotic figures 經手術切除后,在病理組織檢驗下可見到一纖維腫瘤,其中散在著為數不多的細胞;這些細胞具有非典型細胞核,但無細胞分裂現象。

Sarcomas , including leiomyosarcomas , often have very large bizarre giant cells along with the spindle cells . a couple of mitotic figures appear at the left and lower left 包括平滑肌肉瘤在內的肉瘤中常可見到形狀奇異的巨細胞,分布于梭性細胞之間。圖左側及左下方可見核分裂象。

The nuclei are monomorphic with inconspicuous nucleoli . the nuclear chromatin has somewhat granular appearance . mitotic actiity is not increased . ( same case as preious 2 illustrations ) 瘤細胞核形態單一,核仁不明顯。核內染色質呈顆粒狀表現。有絲分裂活性未見增強。

The effects of low dose ionizing radiation on mitotic chromosome non - disjunction of the cultures were more outstanding than that of the whole blood 結果顯示:小劑量電離輻射對有絲分裂染色體不分離的影響是照射培養物比照射全血效果明顯;照射全血時,劑量從0

The tumor cells hae abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli . numerous mitotic figures were also present 腫瘤細胞富含嗜酸性細胞漿、增大深染的細胞核具有突出的核仁。也可以呈現出數目眾多的有絲分裂像。