
mitosis n.(pl. -ses ) 【生物學】有絲分裂,絲狀核分...


In xenopus embryonic extracts camp concentration and pka activity also oscillations accompany with the cell cycle , low in mitosis and increased during m / g1 transition , keep high until next mitosis , and the mechanism concern with the cdc25 phosphorylation state and cyclin b concentration . mouse fertilized egg is the most simple and natural model for cell cycle that near to human , but little is know about pka on mpf also pka on mitosis 通過對非洲爪贍胚胎細胞周期的研究發現jka活性也隨細胞周期變化而波動,在m期出現時pka活性下降,而m間期轉換時pka活性達最大值,一直維持高值直到下一個m期出現,其對mpf活性調節與cdc25磷酸化狀態及周期素b表達有關。

The article reports the study on the cell divisions of allium plants , considers that the amitosis is a main divisional pattern in part of the album healthful epidermis cells , arid indetail reports the forms of mitosis , the divisional peak - hour , and analyses the mechanism of cellular mitosis 本文報道近期對部分蔥屬植物的細胞分裂方式研究情況,確定無絲分裂是健康植株表皮組織細胞的主要分裂方式,并對無絲分裂的各種表現形式、分裂高峰時間作了詳細的報告,對細胞無絲分裂的機理也作了探索性的分析。

The expression of topoisomerase ii of cultured cells treated low dose ionizing radiation decreased and then returned as time went . and become outstanding as radiation dose and frequency were added . inhibitor of topoisomerase ii could cause chromosome non - dis juction in mitosis and meiosis . and the co - effect of inhibitor of topoisomerase ii and ion 05 ) ,具有隨照射次數增加而增加的趨勢;小劑量電離輻射可以引起拓撲異構酶a表達變化,隨照射后時間延長先下降后回升,隨照射劑量和次數的增加,變化更加明顯;拓撲異構酶11a抑制劑可引起有絲分裂和減數分裂時染色體的不分離;拓撲異構酶a抑制劑和電高輻射的協同作用使染色體不分離更加明顯。

We do not know what cell cycle - associated proteins are regulated by histone acetylation modification , especially at the checkpoints of g1 / s , s / g2 , g2 / m and mitosis exit . neither do we know about the manner in which histone acetylation regulates the expression of these genes 在真核細胞周期調控的重要檢驗點g1 / s和g2 / m ,以及其他的轉換點s / g2和走出m期的各個過程中,哪些細胞周期調控相關蛋白的表達活性與細胞內的組蛋白乙酰化水平相關

Indeed , a number of complex chromosomal processes , such as mitosis ( cell division ) and meiosis ( the formation of sperm and egg precursors ) , as well as a range of complex genetic phenomena appear to depend on biochemical pathways that affect rna processing 事實上,許多復雜的染色體活動,像是有絲分裂(即細胞分裂)和減數分裂(以形成精子和卵子的前驅細胞) ,以及多種復雜的遺傳現象,看來都需要仰賴影響rna處理的生物化學途徑。

Introduction telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein reverse transcriptase that synthesizes telo - meric dna sequences using its rna as template . it can remedy the loss of te - lomere after cellular mitosis , maintain telomere length and stabilize chromosome 前言端粒酶( telomerase )是一種核糖核蛋白逆轉錄酶,能以自身的rna為模板,從頭合成染色體末端的端粒dna ,彌補細胞分裂時端粒dna的丟失,維持端粒的長度并穩定染色體。

3 ) the results of studying on the chromosomal mutation and mitosis of the wheat irradiated by uv - b indicated that the rate of mitosis was inhabited by uv - b radiation ( 10 . 08 kj ? m “ 2 ? d “ 1 ) in wheat cells , and some types of chromosome aberration were induced ( 3 )對染色體及細胞分裂的研究結果表明,增強uv - b輻射能抑制小麥細胞的有絲分裂率,產生落后染色體、染色體橋、游離染色體、核變形等畸變。

Hair represents the highest volume of mitosis in human beings that an average head of 120 , 000 hairs produces 21 km of fibre each year ; huge amount of resources have been devoted to caring for our hair , changing its characteristics and ensuring our comfort 頭發是人體細胞內進行的最大規模的有絲分裂,一般人平均擁有十二萬根頭發,而它們一年的生長總長度竟可達

Molecular motors in biological cells play important role , which carry out various life functions in the process of muscle contraction , intracellular transport , dna duplication , mitosis , and so on 分子馬達在生命活動中起著十分重要的作用,它們在肌肉收縮、細胞內部輸運、遺傳物質dna的復制及細胞的有絲分裂過程中執行著各種各樣的功能。

Cultured epithelial cell undergoing division . this cell is in prophase of mitosis . microtubules are shown in green , actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue 以上兩圖為正處于有絲分裂前期的動物上皮細胞。綠色的是微絲,紅色為肌動蛋白,染色質高度螺旋成為粗短的染色體(藍色) ,核膜核仁逐漸解體,染色體不規則地分布于細胞內。

Under the condition of the enhanced ultraviolet - b radiation , the phenomenon of abnormal mitosis was first discovered , such as the three - bundle > four - bundle and six - bundle division of the chromosome when the cell is in anaphase 并在uv - b誘導的小麥根尖細胞中,首次發現染色體在有絲分裂的后期到末期,分成3束、 4束和6束等異常分裂新類型。

The precise control of the key checkpoints of the cell cycle , such as g1 / s , s / g2 , g2 / m and mitosis exit , ensures the eukaryotic cells to proliferate and divide in an orderly and programmed manner 對g1 s , s g2 , g2 m以及走出m期各轉換點的調控,保證了細胞周期各事件按次序正常發生,是細胞正常分裂、增殖和生長的保障。

Molecular motors are a kind of enzyme proteins which exist in the cell and play an important role in the process of the muscle contraction , intracellular transport , dna duplication , mitosis and so on 分子馬達是廣泛存在于細胞內部的具有馬達功能的酶蛋白生物大分子。生命活動中的許多過程都是基于分子馬達的運動。

Cdc25 undergoes serine / thre - onine phosphorylation at mitosis and enhances its phosphatase activity . mpf phosphorylates and actives cdc25 , which in turn dephosphorylates and further activates prempf Pkb分子量60kda ,目前已知分為pkb 、 、三種, pkb akt1廣泛存在于機體各組織中,其活性受多種激活劑調節。

In the human cells , hundreds of molecular motors carry out various functions in the process of the contraction of muscles , cellular transportation , dna duplication and mitosis 細胞內部的上百種分子馬達在肌肉收縮、細胞內部輸運、遺傳物質( dna )的復制、以及細胞的有絲分裂過程中執行著各種各樣的生物功能。

In the human cells , hundreds of molecule motors perform various functions in the process of the contraction of muscles , cellular transportation , dna duplication and mitosis 細胞內部的上百種分子馬達在肌肉收縮、細胞內部輸運、遺傳物質( dna )的復制、以及細胞的有絲分裂過程中執行著各種各樣的生物功能。

Cultured epithelial cell undergoing division . this cell is in anaphase of mitosis . microtubules are shown in green , actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue 正處于有絲分裂后期的動物上皮細胞。綠色的是微絲,紅色為肌動蛋白,正在有絲分裂的染色體為藍色,正在向兩極運動。

Somatic describing the cells of an organism other than germ cells . somatic cells divide by mitosis producing daughter cells identical to the parent cell 體細胞的:用于描述除了生殖細胞以外的有機體的組成細胞。體細胞通過有絲分裂增殖產生與親本相似的子代細胞。

Previous species method of reproduction was simply mitosis , repeated cell division which produced new organisms , and exact copy of their ancestors 再生產早先種類方法簡單地是導致新有機體的有絲分裂重覆的細胞分裂,并且他們的祖先的確切的拷貝。