
mitochondria n.〔pl.〕 (sing. -drion ) 【生物學...


Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration , and generally are the major energy production center in eukaryotes 線粒體是有氧呼吸的場所,同時也是真核生物主要的能量產生中心。

Ginkgo biloba extract for intervention of the fluidity of mitochondrion membrane in experimental pulmonary fibrosis rats 銀杏葉提取物干預實驗性肺纖維化大鼠線粒體膜流動性的變化

The proteins are constructed in the cell , outside the mitochondrion , just like all non - mitochondrial proteins 蛋白質在線粒體外的細胞里制造,正像所有的非線粒體蛋白質一樣。

Ischemia - induced release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and up - regulation of bcl - 2 expression in rat hippocampus 大鼠腦缺血誘導的細胞色素c的釋放和bcl - 2表達的上調

Protective effects of ethanol solution of desertliving cistanche on liver mitochondria in d - gal - induced aging rat model 肉蓯蓉醇溶成分對致衰大鼠肝線粒體的保護作用

The mitochondria expanded and vacuolated and its cristae disappeared ; the double membrane was broken 細胞核形狀不規則,核膜破損,異染色質聚集突出,核物質外流。

Molecular cloning the gene of small heat shock protein in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum of tomato 番茄線粒體和內質網小分子熱激蛋白基因的分子克隆

The effect of hexachlorobenzene on antioxidative enzymes and their isozymes of liver mitochondria of mice 六氯苯對大鼠肝臟線粒體抗氧化物酶同工酶的影響

Outer membrane and inner membrane was changed . so the mitochondria showed swelling and vacuolating 線粒體先是膨脹,嵴減少或消失,最后完全空泡化。

Effects of iodine and selenium on the impairments of mitochondrion induced by fluorine in renal cell of mice 碘硒對氟致小鼠腎臟細胞線粒體損傷的影響

Effect of acupuncture on respiratory function of mitochondria of platelets in the patient of cerebral infarction 針刺對腦梗塞患者血小板線粒體的影響

Berberine - induced changes of mitochondria membrane potential and free intracellular calcium of hacat cells 細胞內游離鈣離子及線粒體膜電位的影響

Experimental study of shenshuai baoshen capsule on myocardial mitochondrion injury in mice 腎衰保腎膠囊延緩腺嘌呤致大鼠慢性腎功能衰竭的實驗研究

Furthermore , many organella such as mitochondria , endoplastic reticulums are seen 此外,這些纖維內部還觀察到豐富的線粒體,內質網等細胞器。

It breaks glucose down into molecules called pyruvate that are fed to the mitochondria for processing 此分解過程產生了一定的能量,但并不多。

The answer is : unlike any other part of the cell , mitochondria have their own dna 回答是:線粒體不像細胞的其他部分,線粒體有它們自己的dna 。

Protective effects of shenshen kangxin capsule on myocardial mitochondrion injury in mice 參參康心膠囊對缺血小鼠心肌線粒體損傷的保護作用

The antioxidant effects of soybean isoflavones to hepatic mitochondria of ovariectomized rats 大豆異黃酮對去卵巢大鼠肝線粒體的抗氧化作用

Only 13 of the mitochondrion ' s component proteins are encoded by its own dna 只有13種線粒體的組成蛋白質是由線粒體自己的dna編碼的。