
mitigate vt.,vi.鎮靜,緩和;減輕。 to mitigate...


Gate conditionality does not mitigate the adverse effect of gate review criteria 關卡制約性不會減少關卡評價標準的反作用。

Do we have the capability to capitalize on the opportunities and mitigate the threats 我們是否能夠利用機會并且減少威脅?

Countermeasure of mitigating and preventing climate disaster of mostly crops in china 中國主要農作物減災防災對策措施研究

Will never be reclaimed , mitigating any benefit of the reference classes 永遠都不會被回收,引用類的任何優點都會被削弱。

No action or process was obvious respecting mitigating the operational issues 沒有任何明顯的行動與步驟來減輕操作問題。

Terminology of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disaster part 1 : basic terms 防震減災術語第一部分:基本術語

There ' s mitigating evidence 有不可靠的證據

Can be mitigated somewhat by disassembling the interop assembly using the 的缺點可在一定程度上得到減輕,方法是使用

Identify and mitigate risks 識別和減輕風險。

You can mitigate the cost by making fewer transitions across the boundary 通過減少跨邊界的轉換可以減小這種開銷。

This configuration setting is intended to mitigate a denial of service attack 此配置設置旨在減輕拒絕服務攻擊。

Hard binding can mitigate this performance difference to some degree (硬綁定某種程度上可減少這一性能差別。 )

For more information about mitigating view state security risks , see 有關緩解視圖狀態安全風險的更多信息,請參見

To mitigate harm of infection 紓減受感染的傷害

The larger percent of their damage is mitigated with even minimal pressure 大量的傷害都被戰斗的壓迫性所削弱。

Project managers are trained to mitigate risk on their projects 項目經理接受過相關培訓,要降低其項目的風險。

Fortunately , they can be mitigated with clever use of macs 幸好,我們可以使用mac的巧妙用法來緩和這種情況。

Because the boss is paid to mitigate risk , you re going to fail 因為老板關注的是減輕風險,所以您注定失敗。

Choose an appropriate technique or technology to mitigate each threat 選擇適當的方法或技術來緩解每種威脅。