
mitford n.米特福德〔姓氏〕。


David bertram ogilvy freeman - mitford , 2nd lord redesdale ( 1878 - 1958 ) - father of the six famous mitford sisters , he is an endearing literary figure as depicted in nancy ' s two best known books “ love in a cold climate “ and “ the pursuit of love “ 大衛?弗里德曼?米特福德,世襲里德斯勛爵二世,是米特福德六姐妹的父親,他在南希那兩部著名小說( 《戀戀冬季》和《逐愛》 )中是一個討人喜歡的文學角色。

She had unloosed to him the stream of gossip about tevershall village . it was more than gossip . it was mrs gaskell and george eliot and miss mitford all rolled in one , with a great deal more , that these women left out 康妮詳細地聽著他們倆的談話,大部分是波太太在說話,她對他說著一大堆達娃斯哈村里的閑話,那是比閑話甚的,什么格絲太太佐治。

The dobby jessica mitford knew is only fleetingly mentioned and would not necessarily stand out in a reader ' s memory - not in a pre - potter world , anyway 如果你用原子彈替代伏地魔,那么那種恐怖的氣氛,自我中心與偏見,那些面色蒼白無法找到工作的人群,加上那些爭取最底層普通民眾提名的人民黨政治家們,這一切看上去是如此熟悉。

Barbara durlacher introduces us to members of the eccentric , literary ( some of them ) english family , the mitfords 芭芭拉向我們介紹了米特福德家族的離經叛道而又書卷氣十足的諸位成員。