
miter n.,vt.= mitre.


It indicates that there are some differences between the results of the method of finite element analysis and the method of specification , and the reason of it is analyzed . then the disadvantages of the method of specification are explained . furthermore , the dynamic characteristic of the miter gate is analyzed 計算結果表明,有限元算法的結果與《規范》算法的結果有一定的差異,分析產生這種情況的原因,指出了《規范》算法的一些缺陷,進而說明了有限元算法的優點,并分析了該人字門的動態特性。

3 . according to specification for the navigation lock , water resources and hydropower engineering specification for design of steel gate , tnech - electric design handbook for hydropower station and with the consideration of the related theories on steel structure , this paper studies the design method and calculation theories of the miter gate . on the basis on above , the plain structure design subsystem is developed with intelligent function 3 、依據現行的《水利水電工程鋼閘門設計規范》 、 《船閘設計規范》 、 《水電站機電設計手冊》 ,綜合相關的鋼結構設計原理,研究了人字門的平面結構設計計算方法并研制開發了融入智能因素的人字門平面結構設計子系統。

With the using of the thin - walled structure fem theory , the fem model is set up , which can reflects the distortion characteristic and stress distributing rule . also , with the consideration of the configuration characteristics of the miter gate , the parameterized method of pre - process and post - process is studied and the fem calculations subsystem is developed . furthermore , this paper cites an example to illustrate the analysis and calculation of a miter gate 4 、運用空間薄壁結構有限元理論,建立了能真實模擬人字門運行過程變形和應力規律的空間薄壁結構有限元數學模型;根據人字門的結構特點,研究了人字門參數化前后處理技術,開發了人字門空間有限元分析子系統,并進行了工程實例的有限元分析計算。

During the last two years , i checked the miter specimen collection of mbmcas collected by the explorations since 50 decade of last century , including “ the comprehensive resource investigation of chinese coast and shallow waters “ ( 1958 - 1960 ) , “ china - vietnam cooperative expedition of marine resource to beibu bay ( gulf of tokin ) “ ( 1959 - 1962 ) , “ the resource investigation of coast and shallow waters of shandong province “ , “ the comprehensive resource investigation of the islands of china “ , “ china - germany cooperative expeditions of marine biota to hainan island , china “ ( 1990 - 1992 ) , and 52 species have been found , which are mainly from east and south china seas , of which , three forms are considered as new species , i 中國科學院海洋研究所從50年代以來進行的若干次海洋生物考察過程如全國海洋綜合調查、 “中越北部灣海洋綜合調查” 、 “中德海南島生物聯合考察”中獲得了大量的筆螺科標本。作者以傳統的形態分類為主要研究方法,通過解剖、數碼攝影等手段進行綜合分析,對我國近海筆螺科進行了系統的整理和分類研究。本文對我國所采集到的所有屬種進行了詳細的描述,并用數碼相機拍照,制成彩色圖版,其中對易混淆的種類就其形態特征進行分類比較。

According to the measuremental data of the two ammunications , the anti - designed computation and analysis of aerodynamic characteristic , flight stability , exterior ballistic characteristic for the two ammunications are studied with the advanced methods of the exterior ballistics . using the monte calo algorithm , the statistic mathematical model about ammunication ' s intensity is established and the 1000 miter vertical target intensity and the fall intensity are discussed in detail for the two ammunications . the improval potential and the main technical approachs of these ammunication ' s exterior ballistic performances are presented by compositive optimal algorithm 根據工廠對俄ak130艦炮彈藥的測繪數據,利用先進的外彈道數值分析方法對兩種彈藥的空氣動力特性、飛行穩定性特性、外彈道特征量等進行了反設計計算分析;采用montecarlo方法,建立了艦炮彈藥密集度性能統計分析數學模型,對兩種彈藥的立靶密集度和地面密集度進行了詳細的計算分析;利用外彈道性能綜合優化設計方法對兩種彈藥的外彈道性能指標的改進潛力和主要技術途徑進行了分析。

At last , applying - the methods mentioned before , this dissertation analyses the interaction among the structure , bolt and rock foundation of miter gates “ support structure in three george project ' s forever lock , and draws conclusions of each part ' s mechanics characteristics . these results are very useful to the design of the project 最后,作為工程應用實例,對三峽船閘人字門支持體結構-錨桿-巖基的相互作用進行了計算分析,得到了各部分的變形特征和應力規律,給工程設計提供了一些具有實用價值的參考依據。

The main contents are as follows : l . this paper discusses the structure of cad system . according to the design process of the miter gate , this paper adopts parallel structure to combine the plain structure design , spacial fem calculations and working drawing in rzmcad system 主要研究內容如下: 1 、研究探討了cad的系統結構;根據人字門的設計過程特點,研究采用了集平面結構設計? ?空間有限元分析? ?施工圖繪制于一體的并行結構設計方法。

The operation measures for controlling over - filling ( over - emptying ) are feasible ; the hoisting loads of valve and miter gate are less than their design values respectively ; but , there exists cavitation phenomenon needed to pay attention to the first crossover culvert when the value is near and after whole opening 控制超灌(泄)操作方式可行;閥門、人字門啟閉力均小于設計值;閥門接近全開至全開后,輸水廊道第一分流口有空化現象。

5 . the parameterized method of working drawing of the miter gate is discussed in this paper . with the foundation of the establishing of a graph library of hydraulic metal , the working drawing subsystem is developed , which realizes automatization of working drawing , 5 、探討了人字門參數化繪圖的程序開發技術,研究建立了水工金屬結構圖形庫,開發了人字門施工圖繪制子系統,實現了人字門施工圖的自動繪制。

In the case of a miter gate of a ship lock engineering , the results of the method of hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering specification for design of steel gate dz / t50 . / 3 - p5 ( called specification hereinafter . ) and finite element analysis are compared 以某船閘工程的人字門為例,把《水利水電工程鋼閘門設計規范dl / t5013 - 95 》 (以下簡稱《規范》 )算法的結果與有限元算法的結果相比較。

According to the present situation of the cad research in hydraulic metal and the main form of the miter gate , a visual and integrating cad system is developed by referring to the experience of related cad system development 本文根據水工金屬結構cad研究現狀,著眼于國內船閘人字門的主要結構形式,借鑒了相關cad系統的開發經驗,研制開發了一套船閘人字門可視化cad集成系統( rzmcad系統) 。

Combining with the construction of the miter gates of hanzhuang second - line shiplock in the beijing - hangzhou grand canal , this paper mainly introduces the installation technology for the miter gates and corresponding measures for quality assurance 摘要結合京杭運河韓莊二線船閘人字門的施工,介紹人字門主體結構的安裝工藝及有關質量保證措施。

The software of finite element analysis ansys is applied to modeling of a miter gate entity of ship lock in an engineering . in order to mesh and solve it , some special methods are used 通過有限元分析軟件ansys對某工程船閘人字門的實體模型進行建模,采用了一些特殊的處理方法以便于該模型的網格劃分和求解。

The size of the returned bounding rectangle is influenced by the type of end caps , pen width , and pen miter limit , and therefore produces a “ loose fit “ to the bounded path 所返回邊框的大小受端帽類型、鋼筆寬度和鋼筆斜接限制的影響,因此產生一個“松散適合”于被限定路徑的矩形。

The approximate formula is : the initial bounding rectangle is inflated by pen width , and this result is multiplied by the miter limit , plus some additional margin to allow for end caps 近似公式為:初始邊框按鋼筆寬度擴充,結果乘以斜接限制,再加上用以容納端帽的一些附加邊距。

Traditional method for overhaul of the top of miter gate is through manual operation by hydraulic hoisting jack , which has the shortcomings of low efficiency and great risk 摘要船閘人字門頂門檢修的傳統方法是采用液壓千斤頂手動作業,工作效率低,時間長,技術風險大。

If the miter length of the join of the intersection exceeds the limit of the join , then the join will be beveled to keep it within the limit of the join of the intersection 如果交點的斜接聯接長度超過聯接限制,則聯接將被傾斜以便落在交點的聯接限制范圍內。

The buildings in the centre of the city must be under 70 miters , in order to the passengers can see the around green montains when they are walking on the street 這個城市中心的建筑高度不能超過七十米高,以便行人在街上散步時可以看見四周的青山。

The miter length is the distance from the intersection of the line walls on the inside of the join to the intersection of the line walls outside of the join 斜接長度是指線壁在聯接內部的交點與線壁在聯接外部的交點之間的距離。