
mite n.1.極小的東西。 2. (從前 Flanders 通...


Efficacy of ivermectin premix against chicken mites dermanyssus gallinae in layers 伊維菌素預混劑治療蛋雞皮刺螨效果觀察

She is a mite unpredictable 她是精神病

Her widow s mite 她那寡婦的銅板178 。

The majority of mites in the soil layer eat small insects or their eggs 土層中的絕大多數螨蟲以小昆蟲或它們的卵為食。

Dispel mite s and moisten skin 祛螨潤膚皂

Dispel mite s comfortable skin 祛螨爽膚皂

Cationic dye diffusion process in dyeing anti - bacteria and mite - proof acrylic fiber 抗菌防螨腈綸染色時染料的擴散過程

Other causes include organisms such as dust mites and molds 還有其他因素像是有機體會引起過敏,比如粉塵顆粒和模子。

The tetranychus mites has become the major pest to vegetables 摘要葉螨類害蟲已成為我國蔬菜、果樹和花卉的主要害蟲。

Development and reproduction of hawthorn spider mites on apple cultivars 山楂葉螨在蘋果不同品種上的生長發育及繁殖

Another very common source of skin allergies is the flea or mite bite 其它皮膚過敏的非常共源極是蚤或小蜘蛛叮咬。

Clothing and bedding may also carry the mite and transmit the disease 患者的被服亦可能帶有,因而傳播該種疾病。

Something else that can reduce wheat production is the wheat curl mite 其他可以使小麥減產的就是小麥卷葉螨蟲。

Other causes include organisms such as dust mites and molds 另外一些引起過敏的原因包括如塵螨和真菌等微生物。

Have you earned an extra mite 你有沒有多賺一點點

Long - legged to feel its way in the darkness , a mite is on the prowl 一只螨蟲正拖著長腿,在黑暗中四下尋覓。

Overwintering spider mite community in orchardand the interspecific association 果園越冬葉螨群落和種間關系

I offer a mite of comfort to him 我給了他一點安慰。

Detection and proliferation of hemorrhagic fever virus in chigger mites 恙螨體內出血熱病毒檢測增殖及其定位