
mitchell n.米歇爾〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Artist mitchell , elizabeth 藝人伊莉莎白米雪

Female artist mitchell , radha 女藝人莉達美雪

Artist name : mitchell , radha 藝人名稱:莉達美雪

Joni mitchell is the woman who taught your cold english wife how to feel 喬尼?米切爾教會英國女性如何學會獨立

Mitchell ' s got an ear infection , 米切爾耳朵有點感染

It ' s a cd . joni mitchell , wow 是音樂碟,喬尼?米切爾

Artist name : mitchell , elizabeth 藝人名稱:伊莉莎白米雪

Good evening . i ' m detective inspector mccall . this is dc mitchell 晚上好,我是探長馬克,這位是dc米切爾

Jason mitchell told the judge he understood the charges he faces 詹森米切告訴法官他懂得他面臨的指控。

Jason mitchell told the judge he understood the charges he faces 他告訴法官他知道自己所面臨的指控。

Hey . mitchell learned a new word 嗨,米切爾學會了一個新詞

I just don ' t want you to wake mitchell 只是讓你別吵醒米切爾

Mitchell ' s babyspeak for beta particle 米切爾的嘴里的粒子

John mitchell had personally controlled a secret republican fund 私下就控制了一個秘密的共和黨基金

Jimmy mitchell didn ' t think twice about stopping to help 吉米?米切爾毫不猶豫地立刻停下車去幫忙。

The model by mitchell is introduced in this part 該部分還對旅游與社區的整合模型進行了詳細闡釋。

- these are for my kids . - well , these are for mitchell -這是我給我孩子買的-哦,這是給米切爾的

These are for my kids . - well , these are for mitchell 這是我給我孩子買的-哦,這是給米切爾的

I think i know what happened to mitchell 我知道米契出了什么事了