
misuse vt.錯用(字句等);濫用;虐待。n.誤用,濫用。


Shutters , external and internal blinds - misuse - test methods 百葉窗,內部和外部遮蔽物.誤用.試驗方法

Misuse ? what ? what did i misuse 盜用?什么?我盜用什么了

Administrative lockdown of any feature to prevent misuse 出于管理目的可以鎖定任何功能以防止誤用。

Or because of a history of drug misuse , alcohol abuse or criminality 或者是因有吸毒,酗酒或犯罪史

This is a safeguard against such laws being revived and misused 這樣就可防止這些惡法重新被濫用。

Some say it is being misused for political ends 有人指出,這是出于政治目的而濫用行政資源的作為。

And she took and dropped the misused article among the coals 她拾起這個搞壞了的東西往煤里一扔。

Love can be misused for selfish motives 愛可能會被自私所誤導。

He misuses his horses by giving them loads that are too heavy 他給?們過重的負荷來虐待他的馬。

I simply misused the wmqi message id 3001 不是本文的重點,因此我簡單地濫用了wmqi消息id 3001 。

And the temptations to misuse power and influence 濫權的引誘。

Any misuse and changes without authorized by decdview 未經原廠授權的任何產品變更或錯誤使用。

Seen from the misuse of the intellectual property rights 從知識產權濫用看我國反壟斷立法的完善

Similarly , the word “ foreigner “ is commonly misused 同樣地, “外國人”這個詞一般都被曲解了。

In some cases , insecticides are deliberately misused 在一些情況中,殺蟲劑被故意不當地使用。

A survey on college learner ' s misuse of punctuation 大學英語學習者寫作中標點符號使用失誤調查

An analysis of substitutes misused in english writing 誤用聲訓舉例

Problem of factory building units being left vacant and misused 工廠大廈單位空置及濫用的問題

17 report on misuse or losses of guest rooms 報告客房的誤用或損失。