
misusage n.1. (字句等的)誤用。2.虐待。


First of all , this paper introduce the markov chain theory . after analying the specifications of http , smtp , ftp , telnet and tcp , we know the tcp session is fit for the markov process . in this paper , we analyze the transitions between states of the application layer with the normal tcp traffic , and build a protocol misusage detection model with the normal traffic in darpa data set 本文采用了馬爾可夫鏈理論,仔細分析了tcp協議規范,并研究分析了典型網絡應用層協議http 、 smtp 、 ftp以及telnet ,驗證了基于tcp協議的會話過程就是一個馬爾可夫過程。

Then , the paper present a protocol misusage ids in application layer based on markov chain , and obtain the following results after test : the system can have good effection on detecting the probe packet , dos attack and novelty attack . the system can overcome part of disadvantages in traditional intrusion detection system , and adapt requirements with different network . the experiment shows that the system can improve the detection accuracy rate , reduce the false negatives probability 通過對檢測系統的測試分析,系統對掃描探測報文、 dos攻擊報文和新的攻擊報文等有較好的檢測率。基于馬爾可夫鏈建立的網絡異常檢測系統可以克服傳統入侵檢測系統的部分缺陷,能夠適應不同網絡環境的要求,同時也有效提高了系統的檢測能力和檢測效率,降低了誤報率。

We do research on the transitions between states of network protocol , the protocol misusage detection model based on markov chain , the framework of the ids technology and protocol anormity after we discuss the current technology . the main research contents of this paper include : research on transitions between states of network protocol and session process , protocol misuage and the anomaly detection model based on markov chain , the research of intrusion detection framework , more accurately model based on the characteristic of the network traffic and so on 在分析了現有入侵檢測系統的基礎上,本文圍繞典型網絡協議狀態轉換、基于馬爾可夫鏈的檢測模型、入侵檢測技術框架、以及協議異常等幾個方面展開深入研究,主要工作內容包括:典型網絡協議轉換狀態的分析和會話過程的研究;基于馬爾可夫鏈的網絡異常檢測模型;分布式的檢測架構;針對網絡流量特征而提出了精確的檢測模型等。

In order to understand accurately and use correctly cai in teaching practice , based on the theory of modern education , the author in the essay explains the strong points and weak points of cm , and focuses on analysing some problems for misusage of cai 摘要為了在教學實踐中正確認識并合理使用計算機輔助教學,文章結合現代教育理論,闡述了計算機輔助教學的優勢及局限性,著重分析了計算機輔助教學在應用中的一些誤區。