
misunderstand vt.誤會,誤解;曲解。n.-ing 誤會,誤解;不和,...


I hope i have misunderstood you , isabella 但愿是我誤解你的話啦,伊莎貝拉? ”

Looks iike this is just a big , crazy misunderstanding 好像這又是個天大的誤會

He did not conclude that anna had misunderstood 他沒法斷定安娜是否存在誤解。

Jane : everyone suffers when he is misunderstood 簡:每個人被誤解時都很難過。

- look what you did to him . - lt ' s a misunderstanding -你把他怎么啦-不. . .都是誤會

- this is just a misunderstanding . - put the knives down -這都是誤會-放下刀子

Bitter arguments ensued from this misunderstanding 這一誤會引發了激烈的爭論

Social conflicts often involve some misunderstanding 社會沖突通常包含一些誤會。

Misunderstanding and the dilemma of the value of so - called 的價值誤區與現實困境

Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel 任何誤會都能演變成爭吵。

You know how i feel . - you ' re misunderstanding 你知道我怎么想的-我想你是搞錯了

Elle : what do women most misunderstand about you 女士們誤解你最多的地方是什么?

The change caused alarm and misunderstanding 這一變化造成了人們的警覺和誤解。

Be careful for fear ( that ) you should be misunderstood 請小心點不要被誤會了。

A thousand years misunderstanding of the spring and autumn annals 春秋學千年誤區

I think you and i have had a little misunderstanding 我覺得你我之間有點誤會了

This is just a misunderstanding . - put the knives down 這肯定有點誤會-放下刀

Shazzer bridg et ! - it ' s just a misunderstanding -布里奇特! -只不過是個誤會

Many a quarrel comes about through a misunderstanding 很多爭吵是由誤解引起的。