
misty adj.(mistier; -iest)1.有薄霧的;朦...


Well , if they ' re deejays , they usually get asked to play “ misty “ on the radio all the time 這個,如果他們是dj的話,肯定有人要他們在廣播里整天播放“霧? “

Tom : you ' re giving me one of your donuts ? i don ' t know what to say , i ' m getting all misty 湯姆:你把你的甜甜圈給我嗎?真不知該說什么,太感動了。

Keelung is misty , humid , and rainy all year round , and is thus nicknamed the rainy port 基隆終年水氣豐富、潮濕多雨,因此有雨港之稱。

The whales ' lookouts watch for the misty steam of water when the whales exhale 鯨魚了望者觀看的恰恰是鯨魚(呼吸時)呼出的霧蒙蒙的水氣。

The figure just shook its misty head . “ what are your three wishes , old john 影子搖了搖模糊不清的頭,說道: “你的三個愿望是什么,老約翰?

As a poet , he is regarded as one of the members of the misty poets 他是1979年北京先鋒藝術團體“星星畫會”和地下文學團體“今天”的成員。

Whenever i see this picture i get all misty - eyed , i can hardly speak 每當我看到這幅照片時,眼睛就會濕潤,我幾乎都說不出話來。

The whales ' lookouts watch for the misty steam of water when the whales exhale 鯨魚了望者觀看的恰恰是鯨魚呼出的霧蒙蒙的水汽。

Your eyes are misty 你的眼有淚光。

Estimating outbursting water of coal floor 10 by misty - clustering analysis method 用模糊聚類分析方法評價10煤底板突水危險性

Misty trees by nine streams 九溪煙樹

Let your love be like the misty rain , coming softly , but flooding the river 讓你的愛像迷蒙的雨,潤物無聲,卻使江河洶涌。

The road kept descending and branching off , through meadows misty in the twilight 道路繼續下傾,在模糊的草地里岔開兩支。

I love most the misty rain season as well as the silver fluttering rain day 愛極這煙雨迷蒙的季節,愛極這銀絲飄揚的日子。

But understanding it , people have a misty conception in their mind 但是,對于電子政府的認識,人們還是一個模糊的概念。

Misty taste of moonshine , 和朦朧的月光,

A misty chill hung in the air , so i turned up the collar of my coat 外面霧蒙蒙的有股寒氣,于是我把外套的領子翻了起來。

In the misty rain , it may really live , sport simply is unforgettable wye 在蒙蒙細雨中,如幻似真,舒坦之至,實難忘懷。

It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon 它在霧蒙蒙的早晨悄然而至,又在煦暖暖的午后消失無蹤。