
mistrustful adj.多疑的,不相信的 (of)。adv.-ly


If the usa embraces mistrustful attitude to those who are under 44 , it would clog necessarily jefferson from drafting the declaration of independence , obstruct washington from leading independent war , prevent madison from formulating the constitution , and even keep columbus from discovering the new continent 倘若美利堅對44歲以下的人抱有不信任態度的話,它必將阻止杰佛遜起草獨立宣言,阻止華盛頓領導獨立戰爭,阻止麥迪遜制訂憲法,甚至阻止哥倫布發現新大陸!

At last , having held a document before her glasses for nearly five minutes , she presented it across the counter , accompanying the act by another inquisitive and mistrustful glance - it was for j . e . is there only one ? i demanded 最后,她終于把一份文件放到眼鏡底上,過了將近五分鐘,才越過柜臺,遞給我,同時投過來刨根究底,疑慮重重的一瞥這封信是寫給. .的。

These officers , who had come out of other sheds , were all strangers to pierre , and much better dressed than he was . they looked at him in his queer foot - gear with aloof and mistrustful eyes 從別的棚子里放出來的被俘的軍官都是陌生人,他們的穿著較皮埃爾好多了,他們以一種懷疑和疏遠的神情瞧著皮埃爾和他穿的鞋。

Auden , writer christopher isherwood , and other left - wing poets , macneice was as mistrustful of political programs as he was of philosophical systems 他寫道, “我對政治的忠誠不在我的心中,也不在我的整個軀體之內。 ”

For their part , the british , mistrustful of nasser and feeling the pinch , were also ready to withdraw their loan offer 對他們來說,英國人,不可信的納賽爾以及自身感到經濟拮據,這些因素都使他們準備撤回他們的貸款。

Now you had better go ; for if you stay longer , you will perhaps irritate me afresh by some mistrustful scruple 現在你還是走吧,因為要是你再呆下去,你也許會用某種不信任的顧慮再惹我生氣。 ”

I can be no longer mistrustful , but you must pardon me , my dear count , for confessing to some degree of astonishment . 原諒我,伯爵閣下,我雖然已不再懷疑了,但卻不得不表示驚奇。 ”

Rural towns exist on the fringe of civilization , filled with sullen , insular and mistrustful citizens 田園小鎮處于文明邊緣,滿是沉郁、孤立而且狐疑的鎮民。

They were so mistrustful of everybody that they never know what to believe 他們是那般不相信人,以致于他們不知道該相信什么。

You seem mistrustful even of your friends . 看來你連自己的朋友都信不過了。