
mistrust n.-er 疑心者。adv.-ingly


The sense of mistrust is compounded by smaller annoyances that leave the families feeling as though no one in authority cares about them 不信任感因更小的煩心事而上升, (這些煩心事)使這些家庭感到政府中無人關心他們。

I had a dim awareness of being in a unique situation where i could really let go of very old and persistent habits : worry and mistrust 我隱約意識到,在那里我真的可以放下我長久以來根深柢固的習慣,那就是憂慮和不信任!

We can turn them back , said one of the suite , who was feeling just the same mistrust in the undertaking as he gazed at the camp 一個侍從說道,這個侍從和奧爾洛夫杰尼索夫伯爵有同感,在了望敵營時就覺得這次行動不可靠。

If a parent is always prying into a child ' s privacy , the child will think he / she is doing something wrong to deserve such mistrust 如果一個家長總是打聽孩子的隱私,孩子便會認為是因為自己做錯了事才被如此地不信任。

Thus , any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future 因此,對任何被稱為“事實”的信息都應該此懷疑態度,因為很有可能它將來被證實是虛假的。

This in turn leads to more mistrust and unrest at the club as the constant revolution of indulgences and whims continues 這依次導致了俱樂部內部更多的不信任和不安,于是持續的放任和反復無常繼續著。

The relationships between characters constantly change . fear becomes love , which turns to mistrust , which is replaced by joy 劇中人物的關系一直處于變化中。恐懼變成愛,再變成猜疑,繼而被快樂替代。

As it is , the saga at soci t g n rale has deepened popular mistrust of the market and intensified pressure for protection 興業銀行一連串的事件加深的公眾對市場的不信任同時也加劇了保護的壓力。

Question3 : so what do you think of that ? is that the demonstration of independence or mistrust to others ? or something else 問題3 :那你怎么看呢?這表示人的獨立還是對別人的不信任?或其他?

I ‘ m not suggesting that american sit back and wait for a transient period of mistrust and despair to resolve itself 我的意思并不是說美國人應坐著等待一個懷疑與絕望的過渡階段自行消失。

Despite his childhood mistrust of the flashbulbs , he ' s beginning to find his own way in the spotlight 盡管他童年時代對聚光燈表現出極大的不信任,但他現在開始在其中找到對付的辦法。

The tension that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed 存在于國家間的緊張一定能被減輕,如果誤解和不信任被消除。

Now we are like in a limbo where the sadness and mistrust are running inside our minds and soul 現在我們就像生活在監獄一樣,悲傷和不信任正在迅速占領我們的思想和靈魂。

That s how i ve got into all the trouble . and that s why my mind mistrusts so thoroughly 我的一切煩惱就是那樣得來的,這也便是我的心所以如此狐疑的緣故。 ”

As you explore these differences you will feel walls of resentment and mistrust melting down 當你探討這些不同時,你會覺得憤恨與不信任之墻正逐漸融化中。

Statements like that make the vatican respected in some quarters , mistrusted in others 此類聲明使得梵蒂岡在一些地區獲得尊重,但在其它地方則受到猜疑。

In my previous job , people were distant from each other and there was always mistrust in the workplace 在以往的工作,人與人之間總是充滿猜忌和防? 。

“ it goes against me , “ rachael answered , in a gentle manner , “ to mistrust any one . 雷基爾和顏悅色地回答說: “我的天性是不會不相信什么人的。

Not that i mistrust her virtue , but - she is a woman . there lies the suspicion 并非我懷疑她的貞操,可是她是個女人嘛。懷疑就在于這一點。