
mistress n.1.(opp. master) 女主人,主婦;老板娘...


Not with standing her strict attention to all domestic affairs, she always appeared the clean well-dressed mistress of the house . 盡管她照料家務一絲不茍,然而看上去卻總是一位穿得齊齊整整的女主人。

Exactly how the ill-named mrs. fairley herself had stood her mistress so long was one of the local wonders . 至于那個聲名狼藉的弗爾利夫人何以能長久地受得住女主人的折磨,這在當地是一團謎。

Nanon burst out laughing at this joke, the first time she had ever heard her young mistress make, and did as she was told . 拿儂聽見小主人第一次說笑話,不禁哈哈大笑,照她的吩咐去辦了。

What passed between my mistress and me on this occasion was, in the main, a repetition of what had passed between mr. franklin and me . 我跟女東家談的,大致上就是我和弗蘭克林談的老話。

He was a man of vicious conduct, who chose, instead of retaining his niece, to bring his mistress under his roof . 他是個行為不端的人,他想把情婦領到家里來住,而把侄女趕走。

In the climax of his exasperation he hurled an oath at the dog and a coarse epithet at his mistress . 在氣頭上,對著那只狗吐出一聲咒罵,還對它的女主人吐出一句粗鄙的惡言。

She motioned towards rather than handed to her mistress a beautiful yellow chrysanthemum . 與其說她將一株漂亮的黃菊花遞給她的女教師,倒不如說她只向她做了個手勢示意一下。

The master and mistress of the shop were really not so violent as the man from the other side of the way . 那家鋪子的老板同老板娘的確不像對面街上的漢子那么野蠻。

It might at that moment occur to her that a little encouragement might have made her mistress . 這時她也許會想到,只要別人稍加攛掇,她可能就當了這兒的女主人了。

He could not now hope to meet his mistress with the proofs of his daring and skill on his person . 現在看來,單憑他本人的勇敢和機智,已難以與他的愛人會面了。

It was ironical that his wife had borne him daughters and his mistress had borne him sons . 真好笑,他的妻子給他生的都是女兒,而他的情婦給他生的都是兒子。

But i was at the bath, where men find a mistress sometimes, but very rarely look for a wife . 然而我是在巴斯,人們有時在那里找姘頭,卻很少在那里找妻子。

The next mistress to appear was eillen rich. ugly as sin was kelsey's first reaction . 下一個出來的是艾琳里奇小姐。其丑無比是凱爾西對她的第一個反應。

Let him leave the house, if he imagines he will not harmonize with its young mistress . 如果他認為他不能與府第的年輕女主人和睦相處,讓他離開府第好了。

Natelie jastrow, utterly gone, preoccupied him yet like a teasing mistress . 娜塔麗杰斯特羅雖然一去不復返了,卻還象一個撩人心弦的嬌婦人那樣迷住他。

Bertha, as you know, is her own mistress and responsible for her acts to no one . 如你所知道的,伯莎是她自己的主人,她對自己的行為不向任何人負責。

She had, in consequence of her sister's marriage, been mistress of her house from a very early period . 由于姐姐出嫁,她很早就當了家里的女主人。

Europe, to repeat the quip of the day, had lost a mistress and gained a master . 再用當時的一句妙語來說,歐洲失去了一個主婦,卻得到了一個主人。

The tenderness of lovers can ill brook the least jesting with the names of their mistresses . 情人們一點也受不住旁人拿他們情侶的名字開玩笑。