
mistral n.(法國地中海沿岸一帶的)干燥寒冷的北風。


Nevertheless , replied the jeweller , if by the time i have finished my supper the tempest has at all abated , i shall make another start . - it s the mistral , said caderousse , and it will be sure to last till to - morrow morning 噢,卡德魯斯搖搖頭說道,暴風雨是決不會停的,現在刮的是西北風,肯定要到明天早晨才會停下來,說完他重重地嘆了一口氣。

And in 1990 , after years of research , a whole new family of rhone - style wines was introduced under the vin du mistral label and included syrah , viognier , grenache ros , and a delicious red wine blend called le mistral 經多年研究之后,酒園于1990年推出了密斯崔爾酒屬全新的羅納谷式葡萄酒,包括席拉、維歐尼耶、歌海娜以及密斯崔爾紅酒。

The air defence system is the simbad twin missile launcher for the mistral surface - to - air missile , supplied by mbda ( formerly matra bae dynamics , france ) 導彈防空力量為二聯裝法制西北風地對空導彈,發射裝置布局在船位。

Suddenly he felt the fresh and sharp night air , and dant s knew that the mistral was blowing 突然間,唐太斯呼吸到了夜晚新鮮寒冷的空氣,他知道這是海灣邊冷燥的西北風。

Along the rh ? ne valley , occasional strong , cold , dry , north - to - northwesterly wind known as the mistral 羅訥山谷沿線偶爾會出現從北部吹響西北的干冷的強風。

Windsurfer lee lai - shan wins the mistral class gold medal at the asian games in bangkok 滑浪風帆好手李麗珊在曼谷舉行的亞運會中,勇奪奧運板金牌。

Nobel : literature : frdric mistral 諾貝爾文學獎

Nobel : literature : gabriela mistral 諾貝爾文學獎

Windsurfer men women - mistral one design 男子女子帆板米氏級

1944 johannes vilhelm jensen denmark 1945 gabriela mistral chile 1944年約翰內斯威廉揚森丹麥

1904 frdric mistral france 1905 henryk sienkiewicz poland 1905年亨利克顯克維支波蘭