
mistletoe n.【植物;植物學】寄生〔其小枝常用作圣誕節的裝飾。g...


Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called caroling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕節的慶祝方式包括煙花表演,永遠代表歡樂的圣誕老人,集體慶祝并唱著頌歌,烤制節日蛋糕,以桑寄生和松樹花環來裝飾圣誕樹,將包裝好的禮物擺在樹下。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays everywhere , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing calledcaroling , baked holiday cookies and cakes by housewife , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths on the door , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕節有很多歡慶方式:處處張燈結彩,快樂的圣誕老人送圣誕禮物,人們歡聚在一起唱圣誕頌歌,家庭主婦烤制圣誕甜餅和蛋糕,門上掛著槲寄生和松枝編成的花環,裝點漂亮的圣誕樹閃著點點燈光,樹下堆著包裝好的圣誕禮物。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕傳統的慶祝活動和內容有很多,如閃閃發光的圣誕燈飾、喜氣洋洋的圣誕老人、集體慶祝活動、圣誕頌歌、節日甜點、用槲寄生(一種裝飾性植物? ?譯者注)和松針做成的花環裝飾、掛有各種亮閃閃的飾物的圣誕樹以及樹下包裝好的精美的圣誕禮物。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕節的傳統慶祝項目包括:點圣火、永遠都快快樂樂的圣誕老人、團體的集會活動、唱圣歌、準備節日點心,以及裝飾著冬青樹、松枝做的花環、彩燈和祝福的圣誕樹,樹下還要有環繞的禮物。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 慶祝圣誕節的方式主要有懸掛發光的彩燈,總也少不了的快樂的圣誕老人,一群人一起慶祝并歡唱圣誕頌歌,為節日烘烤的小甜點和蛋糕,裝飾槲寄生和花環,以及掛有小彩燈和各種裝飾品的圣誕樹,圣誕樹下還會有包裝好了的各種禮物。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 傳統的耶穌慶祝活動通常都會有閃閃發光的圣誕陳列品,快樂的圣誕老人,成群結隊的慶典,歡樂的圣誕頌歌,香甜可口的節日糕點,松柏做成的裝飾物,圣誕彩燈以及掛滿了圣誕禮物的圣誕樹。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕文化慶祝包括焰火表演,一直樂呵呵的圣誕老人,集體慶祝吟唱歡樂誦,烘培節日蛋糕點心,用槲寄生,松木花圈,彩燈裝飾圣誕樹,并將包裝精美的圣誕禮物放在樹下。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 傳統的圣誕節慶祝包括燈光的陳列、永遠歡樂的圣誕老人、集體高唱圣誕頌歌、烤制餅干和蛋糕、用槲寄生和松枝花環來裝飾、一閃一閃被裝飾一新的圣誕樹下擺著包好的禮物。

Far behind the corner of the house - which rose like a geranium bloom against the subdued colours around - stretched the soft azure landscape of the chase - a truly venerable tract of forest land , one of the few remaining woodlands in england of undoubted primaeval date , wherein druidical mistletoe was still found on aged oaks , and where enormous yew trees , not planted by the hand of man , grew as they had grown when they were pollarded for bows 在周圍淺談柔和的顏色的對照下,它就像一簇天竺葵的紅花突現在那兒在屋角后面的遠處,展現在眼前的是獵苑的一大片柔和的淡藍色風景的確是一片讓人肅然起敬的森林,是英國殘留下來的已經不多的原始森林中的一片在古老的橡樹上,仍然還找得到朱伊德槲寄生,林中的茂密的水杉樹不是人工栽種的,它們從人們把它們的枝條砍下來做弓箭的時候就生長在那里。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 慶祝圣誕的文化活動包括:閃燈表演,被稱為圣誕頌歌的群體慶典歌唱,烘培假日糕點,裝點槲寄生和松樹花環,當然還有無處不在的歡樂的圣誕老人以及裝飾得閃閃發光,綴滿了小禮物的圣誕樹。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕節的文化式慶祝包括點燃燈光、圣誕老人、慶祝人群高歌圣誕歡歌、品嘗烘烤過的節日小甜餅和蛋糕、裝飾槲寄生和花環,被點亮的裝飾過的圣誕樹下還擺著包裝過的禮物。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 慶祝圣誕的活動中包括燈展、隨處可見的圣誕老人、唱著圣誕頌歌的隊伍、烤甜餅和蛋糕、用作裝飾的槲寄生和松枝編扎的花環,閃閃發亮、底部掛滿禮物的圣誕樹。

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕節的文化慶祝活動包括閃爍的燈展,永遠開心快樂的圣誕老人,聚會慶祝唱歡樂頌歌,烤節日餅干和蛋糕,槲寄生樹枝或者松枝做的花環裝飾,閃光、下面堆滿了禮物的圣誕樹。

Senhor enrique flor presided at the organ with his wellknown ability and , in addition to the prescribed numbers of the nuptial mass , played a new and striking arrangement of woodman , spare that tree at the conclusion of the service . on leaving the church of saint fiacre in horto after the papal blessing the happy pair were subjected to a playful crossfire of hazelnuts , beechmast , bayleaves , catkins of willow , ivytod , hollyberries , mistletoe sprigs and quicken shoots 接受了教皇的祝福417 ,臨離開庭園內的圣菲亞克418教堂時,人們開玩笑地將榛子?子月桂葉柳絮繁茂的常春藤葉冬青果?寄生小枝和花揪的嫩條像密集的炮火一般撒在這對幸福的新人身上。

Families could also make a christmas wish , check out the familiar faces at madame tussauds , enjoy a carol songfest or any of the myriad weekend entertainment events . for lovers there was the mistletoe boulevard ! around town , selected shops and restaurants were offering special christmas goodies 親子同游的家庭,可與孩子們在小鎮內許愿參觀香港杜莎夫人蠟像館展出的名人蠟像欣賞圣誕詩歌獻唱,或參加周末和假期舉行的有趣活動!

Cultural celebrations of christmas include glittering light displays , the ever - present jolly old santa claus , group celebrations and singing called carolling , baked holiday cookies and cakes , decorations of mistletoe and pine wreaths , lighted , ornamented christmas trees with wrapped presents displayed underneath 圣誕節的慶典包括燈展,永遠存在的圣誕老人,慶祝合唱和歡樂頌,節日點心,裝飾掛滿禮物的圣誕樹。

On your chest it s nearly black , and your hair isn t dark on your head : but your moustache is hard and dark red , and your hair here , your love - hair , is like a little brush of bright red - gold mistletoe . it s the loveliest of all “你胸膛上的差不是黑色,你的頭發是淺色,但是你的髭須是粗而深紅,而你這兒的毛,愛情的毛,卻象是一叢光耀的金紅的芋刺,這是最好看的毛。 ”

There is a reason people can ' t wait for their christmas and it has little to do with family reunions , or curling up with a cup of eggnog , or an unexpected kiss beneath the mistletoe , or receiving a present from that special someone 有個原因讓人們等不及過圣誕節,但和家庭團聚沒什么關系,或是蜷縮著喝蛋奶酒、或是槲寄生下意料之外的親吻、或是收到特別的人送的禮物。

In a startling discovery , mistletoe sold on last year ' s vendors is now named “ fake mistletoe “ . a smokywood pastures spokesman was quoted as saying , “ sorry , no refunds . 去年商人出售的槲寄生現在名字改為“仿造的槲寄生” ,煙木農場的代表人會告訴你: “一經售出,決不退貨” 。