
mistiness n.薄霧狀;朦朧;模糊,不明了。


In the end , this thesis accomplish the social benefit estimation of the speed acceleration of railway , by using the basic mind and method of mistiness system . the speed accerleration of railway that the thesis have mentioned are the four big accerlerations the railway station have made during 1997and 2001 最后,利用上述關于模糊系統社會效益評價的基本思路和方法,本文完成了我國鐵路提速(本文特指1997 2001年間進行的四次大提速)社會效益的評價。在界定鐵路提速社會效益的概念后,根據指標選取原則選擇指標,并建立指標體系。

The fourth chapter of this article firstly finish customers “ quality classify on the basis of customer value and customer relationship value . the author builds the index system of the customers “ evaluation and finish customers identify by two methods of analytic hierarchy process and mistiness judging . the article achieves the purpose of customer distinction 本文的第四部分首先在客戶價值和客戶關系價值的基礎上,對客戶作了定性分類;接著建立客戶評價指標體系,運用層次分析法和模糊綜合評判完成客戶識別,實現客戶差別化的目標。

As he made his inaugural speech in the east room of the white house ? “ just a little straight talk among friends ” ? the very flatness of his michigan vowels , his stumbles over words , his mistiness whenever he talked about prayers , seemed like a gale of fresh air 他在白宮東廳發表的就職演說? ?就像朋友之間閑談一樣樸實無華? ?質樸地密歇根式發音、不時磕絆幾句,雖然當他談論虔誠地祈禱和祈求之類的話時有些含混不清,但是就是這股質樸猶如一股清新之風注入當時混濁的政壇。

In the next place , comparing each appraisable method , and combining the practical instance of railway acceleration , the thesis finally selects fuzzy synthesis evaluating method that could be much more compatible . besides on the basis of inheriting the outcome of former research , the thesis mainly study and summarize a mistiness system . make it the basic mind and method 其次,通過對各種評價方法的比較,并結合鐵路提速這樣一個模糊系統的實際情況,本文選用了更為合適的模糊綜合評價法。并且,在繼承學界前輩科研成果的基礎上,本文重點研究并總結了對于一個模糊系統,評價其社會效益的基本思路和方法。

It was a fine september evening , just before sunset , when yellow lights struggle with blue shades in hair - like lines , and the atmosphere itself forms a prospect without aid from more solid objects , except the innumerable winged insects that dance in it . through this low - lit mistiness tess walked leisurely along 這是九月里一個美好的傍晚,正是太陽落山的時候,黃色的亮光同藍色的暮靄相互爭斗,變成了一縷縷發絲一樣的光線,大氣本身就構成了一種景色,除了在大氣中展翅亂舞的無數飛蟲而外,它根本就不需要更多的實體的幫助。

But market positioning of chinese mt market is considerable mistiness , many chinese mt enterprises do not have market segmentation and market positioning when designing product . market positioning of chinese mt market should follow difference principle , individuation principle and dynamic adjustment principle . chinese mt enterprises can adopt following countermeasures in market positioning : design the product of vacant and possess demand in market and translate potential market demand into enterprise / s market of vendition , according to 在市場定位中我國手機企業可以采取下列對策:開發市場存在需求的空白產品,把潛在的市場需求轉化為企業的銷售市場;按照各細分市場的時尚和個性化開發設計產品,滿足不同消費者的不同需求;根據目標消費者的不同需求進行產品設計;設計的每種手機應該有獨特的賣點和概念。

The paper states the problem of moral deviation of contemporary university students , which re suits in the following aspects ; pragmatism in values , ethical mistiness , social indifference , degeneration of traditional morality , even moral “ crises “ caused by psychological problems 摘要闡述了當代大學生道德失向問題,主要表現在:價值取向上的功利性、道德判斷標準的多元化與模糊論、社會冷漠和傳統道德的流失、各類心理問題引起的道德危機等方面。

In third part , we discuss those important technological performance targets for a crane ' s metallic structures , the status index , the weight for the parameters . a new method called stochastic mistiness is put forward to accurate the status index and the weights 該章的第三節論述了起重機金屬結構的重要技術性能指標,詳細討論了指標狀態指數和權重,并提出了基于模糊數學的隨機模糊法來進一步細化結構的狀態指數和權重。

The expressions of imaging models and the method of imaging are gained . the problem of the time domain walk compensation and picture mistiness are discussed 通過數學推導得出了合成孔徑雷達成像處理模型的表達式及成像的方法和步驟。

Through this low-lit mistiness tess walked leisurely along . 苔絲就在這樣光線暗淡的暮靄里,往前從從容容地走。