
mistime vt.1.使(言行等)不合時宜。2.搞錯…的時間。3.打...


A brief address on those occasions would not be mistimed , wherein a judicious instructor would take the opportunity of referring to the sufferings of the primitive christians ; to the torments of martyrs ; to the exhortations of our blessed lord himself , calling upon his disciples to take up their cross and follow him ; to his warnings that man shall not live by bread alone , but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god ; to his divine consolations , “ if ye suffer hunger or thirst for my sake , happy are ye . 在這種場合,該不失時宜地發表一個簡短的講話。一位有識見的導師會抓住機會,說一下早期基督徒所受的苦難說一下殉道者經受的折磨說一下我們神圣的基督本人的規勸,召喚使徒們背起十字架跟他走說一下他給予的警告:人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠上帝口里所說出的一切話說一下他神圣的安慰饑渴慕義的人有福了。

Vlado smit was accused of pushing marco marchionni as he went for a header in the box , but it appeared as if the juventus midfielder simply mistimed his jump and clattered into his opponent 弗拉多?斯米特被判罰當馬爾科?馬爾基奧尼跳起來頂球的時候推倒了他,但是好像尤文圖斯中場的這次頭球很不合時宜,才導致他撞到了對方后衛。