
mistake vt.,vi.(mistook; mistaken ) ...


He made six mistakes in as many lines . 六行里就錯了六處。

She wo n't shoulder all the blame for the mistake . 她不承擔該過失的全部責任。

Try and do it without making any mistakes . 盡量不要出錯。

Richard paid for his mistakes by getting less pay . 理查因錯誤被罰以減少獲資。

We should speak up about each other 's mistakes ... 我們要公開講明彼此的錯誤。

Even then he would not admit his mistake . 即使在這種情況下,他還不承認錯誤。

Do n't make a mistake in your spelling . 不要在拼法上出錯。

I rather suspect we are making a big mistake . 我有些懷疑我們可能犯了個大錯。

That mistake cost him dear . 那個差錯使他付出了沉重的代價。

This is a kind of mistake which is only too common . 這種錯誤實在是太普遍了。

He mistook that stick for a snake . 他把那根棍子錯看成蛇了。

Do n't try to justify your mistakes . 不要為自己的缺點辯護。

She could not disguise her amusement at his mistake . 她對他的錯誤忍俊不禁。

I believe it to have been a mistake . 我認為這一直就是錯的。

He seldom makes a mistake in the accounts . 他管帳很少出錯。

I have poured coffee into your cup by mistake . 我錯把咖啡倒在你的杯子里了。

If you think that , you are gravely mistaken . 你若是那樣想,就大錯特錯了。

They were egged on into making a bad mistake . 他們受人指使犯了一個大錯誤。

This statement illustrates a mistaken belief . 這個命題表現出一種錯誤想法。