
mist n.1.霧。 ★ mist 較 fog 淡,較 haze...


High overhead, the pale disc of the winter sun paints the mist with brightness . 冬季慘白的日輪高高在上,把霧照得通亮。

The mist took pity on the fretted structures of earlier generations . 在薄霧中,經過前幾代歲月消蝕的建筑顯得分外可憐。

The mist may soak the child's clothes and lines; change as necessary . 水霧可弄濕小兒的衣服和床單,必要時應馬上更換。

“ fog , mist “ haze are all water vapor at ground level and above . “fog,mist,haze”均為地面及地面以上的水蒸氣。

It is the uncertainty that charms one. a mist makes things wonderful . 模棱兩可才動人吶,霧能使事物顯得更美。

She was in a wild strange country so thick with swirling mist . 她進入了一個荒涼陌生的地方,只見濃霧彌漫。

It is misting outside . 外面起霧了。

The mist began to lift . 霧開始消散。

His eyes misted over . 他的眼睛模糊了。

The scene misted over . 薄霧遮住了風景。

Mists blurred the views . 霧使景色模糊。

A thick blue mist hung low over the heads of the audience . 一片濃濃的藍霧低壓壓地浮在觀眾頭上。

Heavy mists hung in the valley and obscured the mountains . 蒙蒙霧靄籠罩著山谷,遮掩了群山。

The mountain is wrapped in mist . 山隱在霧里。

Sometimes the mist lifted, and, he looked up at frances . 有時霧散了,他就仰頭看弗朗西絲。

The rain cooled about half past three to a damp mist . 3點半鐘左右雨漸漸收了,變成了濕霧。

Our breath is misting up the car windows . 我們呼出的氣漸漸給汽車的窗戶上蒙上一層水蒸氣。

On the taihu lake , mists and waves stretch far into the distance . 太湖之上,煙波浩淼。

The view dissolved in mist . 那景色在霧中消失了。