
missy n.〔口、愛稱〕小姑娘;小姐。


As the group s 1996 debut album “ reverence “ went on to sell some five million copies worldwide , dido began working on solo material , developing a lushly ethereal sound combining elements of acoustic pop and electronica ; signing with arista , she released her debut cd “ no angel “ in mid - 1999 . her favorite vacation spot is barbados . she likes music from air moon safari to missy elliot supa dupa fly 如果你對dido蒂朵這個名字陌生的話那你肯定聽過這屆格萊美獎上rap歌手eminem阿姆和elton john演唱的壓軸曲stan這首歌收錄在eminem的超級大痞子專輯中而和eminem合唱就是dido這位來自英國的創作才女。

He had retired to private prayer in his chamber , and mr and mrs earnshaw were engaging missy s attention by sundry gay trifles bought for her to present to the little lintons , as an acknowledgment of their kindness 他已經回到臥房獨自禱告去了,恩蕭夫婦正在用那些為她買來送小林敦兄妹的各式各樣漂亮的小玩意吸引她的注意力,這些是用來答謝他們的招待的。

Sure , youre burnt to death , our treasure , katitchka , my precious little missy , ooh ! wailed aniska , at the sight of the fire feeling the necessity of giving expression to her feelings too 你都燒死了,我們的寶寶,卡捷奇卡,我的乖小姐,哇! ”阿尼斯卡對著大火痛哭,覺得不得不表示一番自己的感情。

She likes music from air moon safari to missy elliot supa dupa fly . her first concert was a gig of santana with pat metheny , dido : “ my mum took me when i was quite young “ Dido蒂朵是英國四人超級epic - house trip - hop電子樂隊“ faithless無信念樂隊”中的客席女主唱。

Well , missy , ’ he said , pinching her cheek , ‘ so , you ' ve been spying on me and , like your sister suellen last week , you ' ll be telling your mother on me “嗨,小姑娘, ”他說,捏了捏她的臉蛋, “好啊,你在監視我,象上星期你的妹妹蘇倫一樣你會向你媽媽告我的狀,對不對? ”

I never thought but you were sunk in the blackhorse marsh , and missy with you , till master told me you d been found , and he d lodged you here 我從來沒想到你會陷在黑馬沼里,還有小姐跟你在一起,后來主人告訴我已經找到你們了,他讓你們住在這兒了!

Mr sperling has put us3 . 7 million into cloning research in the hope a copy can eventually be made of his aging long - haired dog , missy 斯珀林先生已經向克隆研究提供了370萬美金的資助,他希望該項研究能夠成功克隆出他的那只年邁的長毛狗密西。

Performers : eugene yip , grace yip , missy hyperbitch , rumimihifumi , eunix , jim yan , donald tong , chu fun , pitar , joey leung video presentation 演出葉宇澄、葉佩雯、茜利妹、有耳非文、 eunix 、少爺占、 donald 、朱薰、梁文禮、梁祖堯(錄像演出)

Howard : missy may think the grass is greener on the other side , but she has a great job here 霍華德:蜜西可能使這山望著那山高,覺得別的工作比較好,不過她在這里的工作也很不錯啊。

I m holding in my hand the closing announcement of last nights program . missy walker had to do the wrap - up 我手上是昨晚的結束演詞,是獲加小姐的,大會叫她先寫下演詞。

Rachel : all right , listen , missy . if you want this cart , you ' re gonna have to take me with it 好吧,聽著,女子,如果你想要這個推車,那就把我也推走吧。

Missy elliott : “ mc is a funny girl and always makes me laugh no matter what . i love her ! “ mc是一個有趣的女孩,不管怎樣總是能讓我大笑.我喜歡她!

Step off , missy 后退,小姑娘

That ' s right , missy 是真的,小姐

Alright , little missy 好的,小丫頭

You have a name , missy 你的名字是,小姐

Will ye wait , missy 你等等我好嗎,小姐? ”

You have a name , missy 你叫什么名字,小姐?

Mlstress revels : missy , dear 小姑娘,親愛的