
missus n.〔口、方〕= missis.


I uz hungry , but i warn t afeard ; bekase i knowed ole missus en de widder wuz goin to start to de campmeet n right arter breakfas en be gone all day , en dey knows i goes off wid de cattle bout daylight , so dey wouldn spec to see me roun de place , en so dey wouldn miss me tell arter dark in de evenin 因為我清楚,老小姐和寡婦一吃過早飯便去參加野營會,要去一正整天。她們知道我白天要伺候生牲口,因此她們在那里不會看到我。在天黑以前,她們不會想到找我。

Well , one night i creeps to de do pooty late , en de do warn t quite shet , en i hear old missus tell de widder she gwyne to sell me down to orleans , but she didn want to , but she could git eight hund d dollars for me , en it uz sich a big stack o money she couldn resis 啊,一天晚上,我偷偷到了門口,那是很晚了,門沒有關京緊,我聽到老小姐告訴寡斧婦,說她要把我賣到下游奧爾良去。說她本不愿意賣,不過賣了能得八百塊大羊洋,這么泰大的一個數目,她不能不動心。

I don ' t like any of my teachers much , but the one i hate the most is missus gray . she ' s such an old crab , always scolding us for making noise , chewing gum , not doing our homework 所有的老師我都不太喜歡。但是,我最恨的是格雷小姐。她真是個老螃蟹,老罵我們不安靜、吃口香糖、不做家庭作業。

I never see the beat of it in all my born days . a shirt , and a sheet , and a spoon , and six can - “ missus , “ comes a young yaller wench , “ dey s a brass cannelstick miss n . 一件襯衫,一條床單,還有一把調羹,還有六根蠟” “太太, ”來了一個年輕的黑白混血兒丫頭, “一只銅燭臺不見了。 ”

In any case , i do not think malouda will be coming to anfield to flaunt his wallet or to tell benitez how his missus finds the london shops more chic than liverpool ' s 無論如何,我不相信馬盧達將到安菲爾德去炫耀自己的收入,或者告訴貝尼特斯,他的妻子發現倫敦的商店比利物浦的更加別致。

Ole missus - dat s miss watson - she pecks on me all de time , en treats me pooty rough , but she awluz said she wouldn sell me down to orleans 老小姐就是說華珍小姐她從早到晚挑剔我對我可兇啦不過她老說,她不會把我賣到下游奧爾良那里去。

You remember me , sir leo , when you were in number seven . i m sending around a dozen of stout for the missus 那時你們住在七號來著,我正要給你太太送一打烈性黑啤酒哩。

You naughtn t to look , missus , so you naughtn t when a lady s ashowing of her elemental 45你不應該看,太太。當一個女人露出原始狀態的時候,那是不許看的。

Just then the nigger woman steps on to the passage , and says : “ missus , dey s a sheet gone . 正在這時,黑女奴走上了回廊說: “太太,一條床單不見了。 ”

Bartell d arcy sang and benjamin dollard . - i know , m coy broke in . my missus sang there once “我曉得, ”麥科伊插了嘴, “我太太也在那兒唱過一次。 ”

The year the missus was there . . . lenehan linked his arm warmly . - but wait till i tell you , he said “我曉得, ”麥科伊說, “那一年我太太也在場”

We ` re just a couple of musicians , boys . name ` s elvin williams . my missus , ellie 我們只是兩個音樂家,小伙子們。我叫埃文。我老婆,埃里。

We re just a couple of musicians , boys . name s elvin williams . my missus , ellie 我們只是兩個音樂家,小伙子們。我叫埃文。我老婆,埃里。

My woman , my missus 我的內人

Walter , the missus 沃爾特,你太太

I don t wear such things . . . stop or i ll tell the missus on you “我才不穿這樣的呢,住手,不然我就向太太告你的狀。

My missus has just got an engagement . at least it s not settled yet “我太太剛剛接到一份聘約,不過還沒有談妥哪。 ”

There ' s no way the little missus ignores that . - great . let ' s roll 他的太太不可能對此沒有反應-好極了,我們走

- there ' s no way the little missus ignores that . - great . let ' s roll -他的太太不可能對此沒有反應-好極了,我們走