
misstep n.失足;失策,錯誤。


At the beginning , researchers lay particular stress on the study of business strategy , but now , along with the enlargement of the size , increase of administrative levels , and the acute changes of the external environment , the enterprises more and more concern the formulation of the development strategy , because if without scenarios , the enterprises only rely business success on intuition strategy , the cost caused by missteps will be greater and greater , and even can bring terrible economic breakdown . in order to avoid these crisis and to build their permanent core competencies in a queasy environment , the enterprises are urged to think much of the study of the development strategy 以往,戰略管理研究多偏重于經營戰略研究,而近年來,由于企業規模日益擴大,公司管理層次增加,外部環境的急劇變化,企業越來越多地關心企業發展戰略的制訂了,因為如果沒有發展戰略,企業僅依靠直覺戰略獲得成功的話,由于過失帶來的風險、錯誤帶來的代價會越來越大,甚至造成經濟崩潰,促使企業領導更加重視發展戰略研究,以使他們的企業在愈加變幻多端的經營環境中保持競爭力。

President george w . bush , no stranger to the occasional verbal misstep , nearly placed queen elizabeth ii in the 18th century on monday in welcoming her to the white house on a state visit 美國總統小布什屬于在重大場合犯口誤的老手。本周一,布什在白宮接待來訪的英國女王伊麗莎白二世時,差點把女王的外交活動前置到18世紀。

Since it is a very long journey , they cannot bring many things . there are no motorcycles in the snow - covered mountains . one misstep and they will end up at the bottom of the deep ganges valley 那里沒有摩托車,因為都是雪山,你走路如果不謹慎就會掉在很深很深的恒河谷,不用念往生咒,因為來不及了,已經變成灰塵了。

Rom . 11 : 11 i say then , have they stumbled so as to fall ? absolutely not ! but by their misstep salvation has come to the gentiles , to provoke them to jealousy 羅十一11這樣,我說,他們失腳是要他們跌倒么?絕對不是!反倒因他們的過失,救恩便臨到外邦人,好惹動他們妒忌。

Rather than repeating the missteps of the united states and planning in an auto - oriented fashion , china can integrate cars into the urban fabric of more people - oriented cities 與其重蹈美國的覆轍,推動汽車時尚,不如建設汽車與更適合人口居住為一體的城市結構。

Bush , no stranger to the occasional verbal misstep , nearly placed queen elizabeth ii in the 18th century on monday in welcoming her to the white house on a state visit 本周一,布什在白宮接待來訪的英國女王伊麗莎白二世時,差點把女王的外交活動前置到18世紀。

Bush , no stranger to the occasional verbal misstep , nearly placed queen elizabeth ii in the 18th century on monday in welcoming her to the white house on a state visit 本周一,他在白宮接待來訪的英國女王伊麗莎白二世時,差點把女王的外交活動提前到18世紀。

When you ' re writing working code nearly as fast as you can type and your misstep rate is near zero , it generally means you ' ve achieved mastery of the language 當你寫的能工作的代碼和你打字速度一樣快,而且失策率為零,這通常意味著你正在精通這門語言。

I say then , have they stumbled so as to fall ? absolutely not ! but by their misstep salvation has come to the gentiles , to provoke them to jealousy 11這樣,我說,他們失腳是要他們跌倒么?絕對不是!反倒因他們的過失,救恩便臨到外邦人,好惹動他們妒忌。

2 ) what are the ultimate reasons of the misstep of league of communists of yugoslavia ( lcy ) dealing with the national question 2 、南共聯盟處理民族問題失策的根源何在。 3 、南斯拉夫民族問題與冷戰后國際關系。

A misstep had pushed me into the darkness and the devil s snare for eons . now , a turn of thought would lead me to god s boundless and everlasting love 往日一念差,落陰暗魔網萬劫如今一念轉,蒙光明佛恩無限。

While not doomed to complete failure , expect a lot of missteps and communication problems during the lifecycle of this project 雖然沒有注定會完全失敗,但在此項目的生命周期中肯定有許多失誤和溝通問題。

A statement failure occurs when there is a logic misstep in an application 當應用程序中存在邏輯錯誤時,就會出現語句錯誤。

Now that was a real misstep 這可真是失策

If sloane missteps , you ' ll catch him 如果斯隆使壞,你要抓住他

Professional choice is bad , be equal to is misstep circle 專業選擇錯了,等于就是踏錯了圈子。

The missteps and frailties of every one else in the world were canvassed here with the most shameless publicity . 在這里,人們毫無顧忌地公開談論世上他人的失誤和過失。