
misspend vt.(-spent ) 浪費,虛度。 a misspe...


A large share of tax revenues has been transferred to local authorities , though so far with disappointing results : much has either been misspent or gone unspent 稅收收入的一大部分轉給了地方政府,盡管到目前為止的結果令人失望:大部分不是被胡亂花掉就是不翼而飛。

Take one more step , and you ll never be able to get off the path you re on , and you ll regret your misspent youth for the rest of your life 您斷送了一生的事業。再走一步您就會陷入泥坑不能自拔,一輩子都會為青年時期的失足而后悔。

Originally planned as a picture of rurouni kenshin ' s hiko in modern clothing , i turned it into a snapshot of adam ' s misspent ( ? ) youth 原來打算畫《神劍闖江湖》里比古清十郎的現代版?不過后來把圖畫改成亞當年輕時的一幕。

In juvie . they call my youth misspent 在少年管教所

Money misspent one year is clawed back the next 今年浪費的錢財要在下一年設法加以彌補。

It is misspent time to calculate and report hemagglutinating titers for cell hybrid studies . 在細胞雜交過程中計算和報道血球凝集的滴定度是浪費時間。