
misspell vt.(-spelled , -spelt) 拼錯。n....


A latin term meaning “ slip ( or slips ) of the pen “ , i . e . an error ( or errors ) made by an author in writing a text , such as a misspelling of a name ; contrasted with copyist ' s or printer ' s errors [ art . 32 . 5 . 1 ] 一個拉丁文術語,是指著者撰寫正文時發生的一項或多項錯誤,如名稱的錯誤拼法;與抄寫者或排印者的錯誤不同[第32條5 . 1 ] 。

Latin term meaning “ slip ( or slips ) of the pen “ , i . e . an error ( or errors ) made by an author in writing a text , such as a misspelling of a name ; contrasted with copyist ' s or printer ' s errors [ art . 32 . 5 . 1 ] 一個拉丁文術語,是指著者撰寫正文時發生的一項或多項錯誤,如名稱的錯誤拼法;與抄寫者或排印者的錯誤不同[第32條5 . 1 ] 。

Visual basic checks your code as you type it in the code editor window and alerts you if you make a mistake , such as misspelling a word or using a language element improperly 當您在“代碼編輯器”窗口中鍵入代碼時, visual basic會對其進行檢查并在您出現錯誤(如拼錯單詞或者不正確地使用語言元素)時提醒您。

This will allow you to underline text in any color like ms does when words are misspelled . you can accomplish this with any standard edit control ( textbox , combobox ect 這個程序允許你像ms一樣,在詞語拼錯時可用任何顏色為文本增加下劃線。你能使用任何一個標準的編輯控件(文本框,組合框等等)實現這一功能。

You may not use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the name restrictions listed above , nor can you have a “ first “ and “ last “ name that , when combined , violate the above name restrictions 您不可以通過拼錯或有歧義的拼寫來規避上列命名制約,亦不能有“第一“ 、 “最后“之類的命名。

You may not use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the name restrictions listed above , nor can you have a “ first “ and “ last “ name that , when abcbined , violate the above name restrictions 您不可以通過拼錯或有歧義的拼寫來規避上列命名制約,亦不能有“第一“ 、 “最后“之類的命名。

“ future license file format or misspelling in license file . the file was issued for a later version of flexlm than this program understands . 如果軟件許可證的特征碼被修改了,這種提示就會出現,這將導致發出的軟件許可證無效。此時請與軟件許可證發放人聯系,確認軟件許可證無誤。

Some people helped us to carry things and corrected our misspelled nepalese words . they kept telling us that if we needed them for anything , they would be most willing to help 有些人還主動幫我們搬東西,改正尼泊爾文的拼字錯誤,還一直表示,如果我們需要幫忙,他們非常樂意。

Powerpoint comes pre - loaded with a list of commonly misspelled words , which you can customize by adding your own words or removing unwanted ones . Powerpoint啟動時預先加載常見拼寫錯誤列表,您可以向其中添加自己所需要的單詞或從中刪除不需要的單詞。

Aspectj has full static checking of all aspect declarations , so the aspectj compiler will immediately indicate a misspelled reference in a pointcut Aspectj對于所有的方面聲明都有完整的靜態檢查,所以aspectj編譯器會立即指出切入點中拼寫錯誤的引用。

If a death note owner accidentally misspells a name four times , that person will be free from being killed by the death note 若死亡筆記持有人在筆記寫錯某人的名字四次,不論是故意還是無意,那人將不能再被那本筆記殺死。

For example , you could assign a value to a misspelled variable name , which would neither generate an error nor return the desired result 例如,您可能賦值給拼寫錯誤的變量名,這將既不生成錯誤也不會返回需要的結果。

* spell it checks your spelling while you work ; misspelled words are underlined and alternative spellings appear * “拼寫檢查”將自動檢查拼寫錯誤,并在拼寫錯誤的單詞下加下劃線,同時給出可以替換的拼寫方式。

The person whose name was misspelled four times on purpose will not be free of death by a death note 如果死亡筆記擁有者不小心拼錯名字4次,那個受害這將獲救(赦免吧? ) .不過,如果他故意拼錯名字4次,該擁有者就要死

When i was in grade school , i learned which words were the most frequently misspelled , but i never did learn how to spell them 當我上小學的時候,我知道哪些詞是經常拼錯的,但我沒有學會如何拼這些詞。

But an even more common and time - consuming problem arises from mistakes such as a misspelled type name in a pointcut 但是,更常見、更費時的問題則是因為在切入點中拼寫出錯誤類型名這類的錯誤造成的。

Wavy underlines : visual notifications of misspelled words , erroneous syntax , and warning situations as you type 波浪下劃線:當您鍵入內容時,對拼寫錯誤的單詞、錯誤的語法以及警告情況的可見通知。

This can happen for a number of valid reasons , such as a misspelled file or class name they are case - sensitive 出現這種情況可能由于若干正當的原因,如拼錯文件名或類名(它們是區分大小寫的) 。

It means never thinking twice about misspelling a method name because the compiler immediately indicates the error 這意味著,不用過多考慮方法名稱的拼寫錯誤,因為編譯器能夠立即指出這類錯誤。