
missouri n.1.密蘇里〔美國州名〕。2.〔the Missour...


At the university of missouri 做過一次演講

By the year eighteen thirty , he had traveled to saint louis , missouri 到1830年,他已經旅行到了密西西比的圣路易。

Yes , you can see the arch from the capital dome of the state of missouri 是的,從密蘇里州國會的圓頂可以看到拱門

In 2000 , he was running for re - election as senator for missouri . . 在2000年,他在密蘇里州為繼任參議員作競選. .

By the year eighteen thirty , he had traveled to saint louis , missouri 到1830年,他已經旅行到密蘇里州的圣路易。

Missouri western state college 密蘇里西方州立學院

Missouri southern state college 密蘇里南方州立學院

Travel in famous world botanic garden : missouri botanical garden in u . s . a 世界著名植物園之旅美國密蘇里植物園

Back to missouri , you hear 回到密蘇里,你聽到了嗎?

In 2000 , he was running for re - election as senator for missouri 在2000年,他在密蘇里州為繼任參議員作競選

President bush traveled to missouri to talk about healthcare 布什總統前往密蘇里州商討健康保障的相關事宜。

No , no , no , no . in three days i ' ve gotta be in missouri . . 不行,不行三日內我就應該在missouri密蘇里州了

Southeast missouri state university 東南密蘇里州立大學

Southwest missouri state university 西南密蘇里州立大學

Slave - holding citizen of missouri 勞役奴隸的密蘇里居民

Northwest missouri state university 西北密蘇里州立大學

Northeast missouri state university 東北密蘇里州立大學

By the year eighteen thirty , he had traveled to saint louis , missouri 1830年,他去路易斯密蘇里州旅行。

No , no , no , no . in three days i ' ve gotta be in missouri 不行,不行三日內我就應該在missouri密蘇里州了