
missive adj.〔古語〕已經送出去的,指令的。n.公文;書信。


Somewhere and the fictitious addressee of the missive which made him nourish some suspicions of our friend s bona fides , nevertheless it reminded him in a way of a longcherished plan he meant to one day realise some wednesday or saturday of travelling to london via long sea not to say that he had ever travelled extensively to any great extent but he was at heart a born adventurer though by a trick of fate he had consistently remained a landlubber except you call going to holyhead which was his longest 然而看了這張明信片,他便不知怎地想起了在心里醞釀了好久遲早打算實現的一個計劃:星期三或星期六乘船遠航到倫敦。盡管他從未遠游過,骨子里卻是個冒險家只是由于命運的捉弄,迄今沒出過海-除非你把霍利黑德72之行也算作航海的話。那是他生平最遠的一次旅行了。

Einstein and darwin were not only two of mankind ' s biggest geniuses , they were also two big letter - writers who sent ( and received ) thousands and thousands of missives in their respective lifetimes , according to a study in the british science weekly nature 愛因斯坦和達爾文不僅是人類的偉大天才,他們也是寫信最多的人,根據英國《自然》科學雜志研究,他們一生中收信回信多達上萬封。

One in nine love missives received on valentine ' s day were sent by people to themselves “ to save face on the dreaded v - day , “ according to a survey released by online retailer amazon . co . uk on thursday 據英國網上零售商amazon . co . uk公司公布的一項調查,在情人節這天寄出的情書中有九分之一都是那些擔心自己在“可怕“的情人節這天收不到情人卡,為挽回面子自己為自己寄出的。

Albert glanced carelessly at the different missives , selected two written in a small and delicate hand , and enclosed in scented envelopes , opened them and perused their contents with some attention . “ how did these letters come ? “ said he 阿爾貝對這些來自不同地方的信札漫不經心地瞟了一眼,挑出了兩封筆跡嫵媚,灑過香水的信,拆開信封,用心仔細地看了一遍信的內容。

I put everything bitter , shameful and cruel i could think of into that missive which i sent to her home address that same day . this time , the cut went too deep for the unhappy girl to be able to bear it in silence 我把所有我能找到的挖苦的羞辱的和殘忍的話一古腦兒全寫在這封信里面,這封信我當天就寄到了她的家里。

Whilst he was hastily packing together a few articles for his journey he glanced over a poor plain missive also lately come to hand - the one from marian and izz huett , beginning - 他在急急忙忙收拾幾件旅行用的隨身物品的時候,又瞥了一眼也是最近收到的一封簡單的信那是瑪麗安和伊茨寄來的,信的開頭這樣寫道

A letter from your old acquaintance , the housekeeper at the grange , i answered ; annoyed at her exposing my kind deed , and fearful lest it should be imagined a missive of my own “你的老朋友,田莊管家,寫來的信。 ”我回答,對于她揭穿我的好心的行為頗感煩惱,深怕她把這當作是我自己的信了。

Notwithstanding , my journey homeward was sadder than my journey thither ; and many misgivings i had , ere i could prevail on myself to put the missive into mrs linton s hand 雖然如此,我在回家的旅途上比我來時更悲哀些在我能說服自己把信交到林敦夫人的手中之前,我是有著許多憂懼的。

At her room , the wording of this missive occupied her for some time , for she fell to the task at once 一回到家,她就動手寫信。這封信的措辭很費斟酌,這信太難寫了。

Missive . you send a one - way telepathic message to subject 心靈短訊:向目標送出一條單向的心靈短訊。

Today ' s missive is about supply constraints 今天很大篇幅會講到供應方面。