
mississippi n.1.密西西比〔美國州名〕。2. 〔the Missi...


From the mississippi to the pacific ocean 從密西西比一直到太平洋

Still , twain spent most of his life in mississippi 不過吐溫的大半輩子還是在密西西比州度過。

The mississippi river drains a vast area 密西西比河枯竭了一大片區域

South mississippi residents will be treated to a 兒童的詞條對吸引力。

One more assignment from our mississippi client 那個密西西比的客戶又委派了一個新的任務。

It ' s the most complete collection east of the mississippi 這在密西西比河東是最全的收藏了

The inspection tour notes for the mississippi river in u . s . a 美國密西西比河考察旅行雜記

At the stadium ciub in tupelo , mississippi .在密西西比州圖皮洛市的俱樂部體育館比賽以后

Mississippi masala and a mosaic of short stories 《密西西比的瑪沙拉》和穿插的小故事。

All the way to the mississippi in just 3 days 到達密西西比,全程只用3天

But they hardly hurt mr eaves in mississippi 但他們很難中傷到密西西比州的伊戊茲先生。

One mississippi , two mississippi , three mississippi 一密西西比,兩密西西比,三密西西比

My grandfather spent his childhood in mississippi 我的祖父在密西西比度過了他的童年。

It came from the backwaters of the mississippi delta 它產生于密西西比河三角洲一帶。

Jumping the mississippi or riding that lightning bolt 跳過密西西比河還是騎上閃電?

My grandfather spent his childhood in mississippi 我的祖父在密西西比度過了他的童年

Mark used to be a pilot on the mississippi river 馬克曾在密西西比河上當過領航員。

He has a large farm in the mississippi valley 他在密西西比河流域擁有一個大農場。

He ' s never been east of the mississippi 他從來沒有去過比密西西比河更東的地方