
missis n.1.〔用于已婚婦女姓前〕…夫人〔普通寫作 Mrs.〕...


Well , you know , missis always said they were poor and quite despicable : and they may be poor ; but i believe they are as much gentry as the reeds are ; for one day , nearly seven years ago , a mr . eyre came to gateshead and wanted to see you ; missis said you were at school fifty miles off ; he seemed so much disappointed , for he could not stay : he was going on a voyage to a foreign country , and the ship was to sail from london in a day or two 窮倒是可能的,但我相信他們像里德家的人一樣有紳士派頭。大約七年前的一天,一位愛先生來到蓋茨黑德,而且要見見你。太太說你在五十英里外的學校里,他好像很失望,因為他不能多呆。

“ what we tell you is for your good , ” added bessie , in no harsh voice , “ you should try to be useful and pleasant , then , perhaps , you would have a home here ; but if you become passionate and rude , missis will send you away , i am sure “我們同你說的全是為了你好, ”貝茜補充道,口氣倒并不嚴厲, “你做事要巴結些,學得乖一點,那樣也許可以把這當個家住下去,要是你意氣用事,粗暴無禮,我敢肯定,太太會把你攆走。 ”

What we tell you is for your good , added bessie , in no harsh voice ; you should try to be useful and pleasant , then , perhaps , you would have a home here ; but if you become passionate and rude , missis will send you away , i am sure “我們同你說的全是為了你好, ”貝茜補充道,口氣倒并不嚴厲, “你做事要巴結些,學得乖一點,那樣也許可以把這當個家住下去,要是你意氣用事,粗暴無禮,我敢肯定,太太會把你攆走。 ”

It glowed delightfully in the radiance of an immense fire , compounded of coal , peat , and wood ; and near the table , laid for a plentiful evening meal , i was pleased to observe the missis , an individual whose existence i had never previously suspected 煤炭和木材混合在一起燃起的熊熊爐火,使這屋子放著光彩。在準備擺上豐盛晚餐的桌旁,我很高興地看到了那位“太太” ,以前我從未料想到會有這么一個人存在的。

He came down to gateshead about three weeks ago and wanted missis to give up all to him . missis refused : her means have long been much reduced by his extravagance ; so he went back again , and the next news was that he was dead 三個禮拜之前,他來到蓋茨黑德府,要夫人把什么都給他,被夫人拒絕了,因為她的財產早已被他揮霍掉很多。

Missis had been out of health herself for some time : she had got very stout , but was not strong with it ; and the loss of money and fear of poverty were quite breaking her down “夫人自己健康也不好,這已經有好長一段時間了。身體發胖,但并不強壯。她損失了錢,又怕變成窮光蛋,所以便垮了下來。

Hey , the sausage , hes moving away ! sell us your missis , said another soldier , addressing the german , who strode along with downcast eyes , looking wrathful and alarmed 另一個士兵把臉轉向德國人說道,說話時重音落在最后一個音節上,那個德國人垂下眼簾,氣忿而驚恐地邁著大步向前走去。

Missis looks stout and well enough in the face , but i think she s not quite easy in her mind : mr . john s conduct does not please her - he spends a deal of money “太太顯得有些發胖,外表看看倒不錯,但我想她心里很不安。約翰先生的行為使她不高興一約翰用掉了很多錢。 ”

Yes ; he did not stay many minutes in the house : missis was very high with him ; she called him afterwards a “ sneaking tradesman . “ my robert believes he was a wine - merchant 太太對他很傲慢,后來她把他叫作一個狡猾的生意人,我那位羅伯特估計他是個酒商。 ”

Dat s a mighty gay marvel , i tell you ! but mars tom i s powerful fraid ole missis - “ and besides , if you will i ll show you my sore toe . 可是湯姆少爺,我害怕老太太” “還有,吉姆,只要你答應了的話,我還給你看我那只腳趾頭,那只腫痛的腳趾頭。 ”

At bristol , in banks and places , answered his companion it were , said the cook ; it were when we weighed anchor but my old missis has it all by now “是的, ”廚子說, “當我們起錨時,錢是在那兒但如今我的老婆已經把它們全取出來了。

And you ought not to think yourself on an equality with the misses reed and master reed , because missis kindly allows you to be brought up with them “你不能因為太太好心把你同里德小姐和少爺一塊撫養大,就以為自己與他們平等了。

But it was always in her , was the reply . i ve told missis often my opinion about the child , and missis agreed with me “不過她生性如此, ”對方回答, “我經常跟太太說起我對這孩子的看法,太太也同意。

Well , but missis and the young ladies and master john are going out to tea this afternoon , and you shall have tea with me 太太小姐和約翰少爺今天下午都出去用茶點了,你可以跟我一起吃茶點。

Missis intends you to leave gateshead in a day or two , and you shall choose what toys you like to take with you 太太想讓你一兩天內離開蓋茨黑德,你可以揀你喜歡的玩具隨身帶走。 ”

“ oh ! i daresay she is crying because she could not go out with missis in the carriage , “ interposed bessie “啊,我想是因為不能跟小姐們一起坐馬車出去才哭的, ”貝茜插嘴說。

Oh ! i daresay she is crying because she could not go out with missis in the carriage , interposed bessie “啊,我想是因為不能跟小姐們一起坐馬車出去才哭的, ”貝茜插嘴說。

Missis walked in , she said , as chill as an icicle , and as high as a princess “夫人走進來了, ”她說, “跟個冰柱似的,冷冰冰的,又像個公主似的高不可攀。

“ it was quite right , bessie . your missis has not been my friend : she has been my foe . “我做得很對,貝茜。你的太太向來不是我的朋友,她是我的敵人。 ”