
missioner n.(教區)傳教士(= missionary)。


Adapted from the original famous exodus in the bible , a legendary story of mose , who starts from a slave to a prince and finally becomes a missioner , the prince of egypt is regarded as one of the most attractive animation movies of dreamwork ' s , which has awarded oscar best music prize 夢工場年度鉅制動畫《埃及王子》改編自《圣經》中家傳戶曉的故事“出埃及記” ,將摩西從奴隸變王子,繼而成為傳教士的傳奇故事生動地重現于觀眾眼前。

After anping harbor open , foreign businessmen and missioners can immigrate to taiwan legally . the commercial affairs and administration offices increased so that consulates and foreign merchant houses also increased . further more , hospitals , book stores were come to anping street 安平開港后,外國商人與傳教士大量而合法的移入,商務及行政機構不斷增加,如領事館跟外國洋行的建立,另外還有公館、病院、書樓等林立于安平仔街。

Senior advisor of company , is the first drafter of the arc furnace transformer standards and the copy writer of the only domestic works onfurnace transformers as amember of bational transformer standardization committee and editoral com - missioner of magazine transformers 高級顧問張懋魯高級工程師為全國變壓器標準化委員會委員變壓器雜志編委,是煉鋼爐變壓器標準的第一起草人,是國內唯一電爐變壓器著作的撰稿人。

It was the men s temperance retreat conducted by the missioner , the reverend john hughes s . j . , rosary , sermon and benediction of the most blessed sacrament 這是耶穌會傳教士約翰休斯所主持的成人戒酒活動,他們在那里靜修,誦玫瑰經,傾聽布道并接受圣體降福。

The relation of western missioner nanhuairen ' s behavior in china 西方傳教士南懷仁在華活動述略