
missionary adj.傳教(士)的。n.傳教士;(某某主義的)宣傳者。


Christian and missionary alliance church union limited 基督教宣道會香港區聯會有限公司

On the history of missionary women schools in china 教會在華興辦女學之沿革

Nobuaki is really fired up about missionary work 伸明對傳教工作非常渴望。

He spent 20 years in korea as a missionary 他在韓國當宣教士有二十年之久。

A study of the missionary medical enterprise in modern anqing 近代安慶的教會醫療事業

The prophet has called upon members to do missionary work 先知呼?教友做傳教的工作。

Influence of western missionaries on chinese geography 西方傳教士對中國地理學的影響

Our missionary work had an important breakthrough 我們的傳教工作有了很重要的突破。

Bob pierce answered , “ i ve come to be a missionary . 他說:我來做宣教士。

We urgently need more native missionaries 我們迫切的需要更多的本地傳教士。

White missionary too salty . like pickled pork 白種人傳教師味道太咸了,很像腌豬肉。

They ' re drug dealers , sam . they ' re not missionaries 那些是毒販,薩曼塔不是傳教士

Missionaries and education reform in the late qing dynasty 傳教士與晚清教育改革芻議

Commentary on the effects of american missionary 美國傳教士伯駕在華醫療事業影響述論

He said , “ i came here to be a missionary . 他說:我來宣教。她問:你跟誰一起來?

This missionary has very good language ability 這個傳教士有很好的語言能力。

Missionaries go around the world to preach the word 傳教士走遍世界各地宣揚福音。

That ' s because your mom has her missionary position , 那是因為你媽媽在國外傳教

Foreign missionaries in the regions of the qiang people 在羌族地區的外國傳教士