
mission n.1.派遣;國家代表團的派遣;代表團;使團;(伊斯蘭教...

mission control

The mission of a state highway department is the design and construction of desired highways . 國營高速公路部門的任務是設計和建造人們所期望的高速公路。

The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under pentagon control . 航天飛機執行一項絕密使命,所使軍用載荷由五角大樓控制。

The girls were directed to put any extra pennies they might have towards church missions . 女孩們聽到教導,要她們節約每一個銅板去幫助教堂搞各項活動。

An example from recent times would be the facts obtained from the apollo missions . 如果從現代來找例子,則可以舉出“阿波羅號”飛行所獲得的事實。

In the united states this service is an important mission of the national bureau of standards . 在美國,這種服務是國家標準局的一個重要職責。

In california, persian walnuts were first grown in the days of the early spanish missions . 早在西班牙教區時代,加利福尼亞就首次栽培了核桃。

How then could she hope to discharge her mission of commerce destruction in the atlantic ? 這樣,她怎能希望在大西洋上執行商業破壞的任務呢?

The stale literary phrase showed that the man had been educated at a mission school . 從這句陳腐的比喻可以知道,這個人曾在教會學校念過書。

Their frequent absence on such missions added to the burdens of the planners . 他們常常不能親自執行這類任務,這就給制訂計劃者增加了負擔。

My inferior understanding prevents my grasping the unquestionable soundness of the mission . 我理解力差,無法理解這次任務的絕對正確性。

The cruise condition must also be economical and adequate for the aircraft mission . 巡航狀態也必須是經濟的以及能夠適應飛機的飛行任務。

No one knew of our impending arrival much less of our mission or predicament . 誰也不知道我們馬上就要到達,更不知道我們的使命和困境。

The special action units had no military purpose. their mission concerned the jews . 特別行動隊沒有軍事目標。他們的任務是對付猶太人。

An assassin grimly carries his mission through the jostle of a carnival . 一個行刺的人趁著狂歡節的熙熙攘攘,冷酷無情地去執行任務。

We welcome arrival of russian military mission in order to concert future plans . 我們歡迎俄國軍事代表團前來,以便協商未來的計劃。

In short, interferon is a natural substance on an unnatural mission . 簡言之,干擾素是一種負有特殊使命的天然產生的物質。

The air commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission . 空軍準將向轟炸機機組下達執行危險任務的各項指示。

They had to break up the mission work in kansas city a few years before . 幾年前,他們不得不放棄在堪薩斯市的傳教工作。

Our mission is to harass the landing of the main japanese expeditionary force . 我們的任務是騷亂日本遠征軍主力的登陸。