
missile n.投射器;飛射器[箭、炮彈等],射彈,飛彈;導彈。 a...


If the sight line does not rotate in space then no steering commands are necessary as a missile is on a collision course . 如果視線在空間不轉動,那么導彈總是在遭遇航線上,這就無需操縱指令。

Another common method is the semaphore spoiler which the french have used on most of their anti-tank missiles . 另一種通用的方法是阻流板擾流片,此方法在法國已經用在大部分反坦克導彈上。

To the man of letters it is a missile that he can fling in the reader's face to disprove the pestilent heresy . 對于文人,它是一顆導彈,他可以把它投到讀者臉上,以駁斥那種有害的邪說。

A missile rises from its launching site, then shrieks through and beyond the atmosphere at an unbelievable speed . 導彈從它的發射場升起,然后以難于置信的高速呼嘯著穿過并超越大氣層。

Already laser guns are being developed which could kill an enemy or bring down an air-plane or a missile at a great distance . 能在遠處殺死敵人、擊落飛機或導彈的激光炮已在研制之中。

With help from training simulators the human operator can develop into a highly efficient guided missile controller . 借助于訓練模擬裝置,操作者能夠培養成為一名高超的導彈控制手。

Identical autopilots are used to control the pitch and yaw motions if the missile has two planes of symmetry . 如果導彈有兩個對稱面,則使用相同的自動駕駛儀控制俯仰和偏航運動。

Forty-two medium-range nuclear missiles were being unpacked and prepared for launching pads with desperate speed . 四十二枚中程核導彈正在拼命加快地拆箱,準備裝到發射臺上。

Sisewinder, an air-to-air missile bearing the name of a rattlesnake, is launched from a fighter plane . “響尾蛇式”導彈是一種取名為響尾蛇的空對空導彈,它從戰斗機上發射。

To get a complete story of missile development in the space-age era, we must go back to world war ii . 要了解宇航時代導彈發展的整個情況,我們得追溯到第二次世界大戰時期。

The cuban missile crisis of 1962 brought home to the soviets the penalty for strategic inferiority . 一九六二年的古巴導彈危機使蘇聯人清醒地看到戰略劣勢造成的不利后果。

The rockets give the planes and missiles enough speed to make the ramjet engine workable . 這種助推火箭為飛機和導彈提供足夠的速度,以使沖壓式噴氣發動機可以開動工作。

When a position gyro is used in the pitch plane the missile is usually launched at a set elevation . 當位置陀螺用在俯仰平面上的時候,導彈通常以一個設定的仰角發射。

Most of the work that has gone into the design of rockets has centered on missile (weapon) development . 涉及火箭設計的大部分工作已經以研制導彈(武器)為中心了。

To keep the engine running, the airplane or missile rams through the atmosphere at a high speed . 為了使發動機不斷地運轉,飛機或導彈以很高的速度沖過大氣層。

The missile tracker is mounted alongside the operator is tracking telescope and is collimated to it . 導彈跟蹤裝置與跟蹤望遠鏡裝在一起,且對它加以平行校準。

Since the missile is designed for medium range it is likely to be heavy, 1000kg or more . 由于導彈是按中程設計的,所以多半很重,可達1000公斤或更重一些。

For all practical purposes a ballistic missile such as atlas is guided to its target . 根據各種實用目的,可使象“阿特拉斯”這樣的彈道導彈導向其目標。

The missile “rides“ the beam; that is, it follows the radar signal until it hits the target . 導彈就駕馭著該波束,即跟著雷達信號直到擊中目標為止。